If you’ve got nothing nice to say say it on the internet

Or so the old adage goes. But there’s so much more that you can do on the internet, such as find cute pictures of cats, buy clothes only to return them with the next post, get yourself an improbably good looking date only to find that you’ve got yourself entangled with a Russian extortionist.

Anyways, whilst I was combing the incredibly riveting Government Procurement website for work, I stumbled on an outrageous proposal for a feasibility study – by a Council out west – to convert a playground into a car park. Whatever next?

Somehow the prospect of converting car parks to much needed housing seems unthinkable round here, where garden grabbing is legion and the Council a major stakeholder.

Beaches into car parks seems more plausible though, just think of the benefits for residents who complaineth far too much about smells and seaweed.


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passionate about the new and the old, but only if it is any good