Free Webspace and Free Support (since 2010)

Since 2010 we have provided free webspace and free support for all kinds of locally based projects. From 2018 we introduced paid plans. Free support continued on the forum. As of 4 April 2023 we are withdrawing the forum entirely,…

Why not publish locally?

Choose a locally managed website hosting service? Locally grown, no nasties.

New Year’s Resolution: Delete everything and start again

So, you’ve created your new site OR you want to start over but from a clean slate … Here’s how: Delete pages and posts selectively If you have spun up a new website as a test and want to remove…

What have we done in ourlocality?

Over the last 16 months – if memory serves me well: 2022 Achievements 1000s of updates Every day quietly someone is updating their website, perhaps adding the minutes of boring meetings that they have diligently compiled and that until now…

WordPress 6.1

Welcome to OurLocality & WordPress 6.1 This page highlights some of the most significant changes to the product since the May 2022 release of OurLocality & WordPress 6.0. You will also find resources for developers and anyone seeking a deeper…

Introducing the welcome robot

Hi there! I am the ourlocality welcome robot. When you create a new site I magically populate your new site with a top navigation menu and some helpful articles and pages. :-) The articles and pages are designed to give…