Tell us about your organisation and why it needed a good website
We’re a local Community Council, which has embraced the digital world. The website helps us publicise information about governance and similar, while we actively use twitter and facebook for up to the minute news and updates.
Houston we have a problem!
We used Edubuzz until 2012, the East Lothian schools equivalent of OurLocality, until it was taken down by hackers. The downtime was protracted and we were offline for several weeks, due to the council requiring an in depth audit of what went wrong. We turned to OurLocality for help.
How did Ourlocality help resolve your problem?
OurLocality had us back up and running within a few hours, not even days. Getting everything reinstated wasn’t exactly simple, but we asked nicely and found the people at Sustaining Dunbar obliging and helpful and could easily handle our requirements. They also agreed to add features that usually are for paying customers only.
What would you say to others?
Give them a try. Keeping your website up to date is not so easy and not all communities have the time and technical expertise, so it is really great that these folk are willing to take this on and will lend a helping hand.
And how much did it cost?
We gave them a donation of just £50. It would have been cheap at 5 times the price, and even then we would have had to set up the whole thing manually. Highly recommended.