
New Fraser Centre plans community open day 9th June

The Fraser Centre, formerly the Winton Cinema in Tranent, is being given a new lease of life as a learning, development, arts and entertainment centre.

The former Winton Cinema will now be a community trust backed venue.

Set up as a community trust, the intention is to be able to offer the former cinema to various community groups as a venue for holding educational, arts and entertainment activities. The aim is to include conferences, training projects, concerts, as well as a cinema; harking back to the origins of the building.

The Fraser Centre Community Trust (FCCT) was formed in 2011 with the aim of providing an Arts, Learning and Development Centre in Tranent. The 700 seater 1900’s style cinema is in the Fa’side constituency which has around 14,000 residents with varying needs for just such a nearby venue for their communities.

In 2011 a long term lease with the FCCT culminated in the latest revival of this unique venue.

For further information on activities planned at the centre visit the website.

Pencaitland Community Council
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PTA Spring Fayre set for 26th May

This year’s Spring Fayre, run by the Parent and Teachers Association of Pencaitland Primary, takes place on the 26th of May (Saturday), from 1 to 4pm in the grounds of the school.

Face-painting at the Pencaitland PTA Spring Fayre last year...

As well as parents and extended family, all members of the community are very welcome to come along and enjoy, “a fun packed activity filled afternoon with all the usual attractions and a few more! This year come ready to race! There will be traditional games for parents and children to test their speed and dexterity, including a tug-of-war!”

There will also be a Science tent looking at the eye and optics, the return of the polymer slime and coke geysers, plus the new hexbug nano races.

Look out for the usual assortment of tractors and emergency vehicles plus a variety of four legged friends will be joining the fun from the Cadzow’s farm and Boggs Hogs.

Amongst items sought are:

  • Donations of home baking
  • Donations of used toys, books and DVDs/CDs
  • Donations of new toys and books suitable for a children’s tombola or lucky dip
  • Donations of bottles or chocolate suitable for the adults’ tombola
  • Donations of bicycles

If you think you can also help out on the day contact Charlotte on 01875 340 987 or check out the PTA’s letter [PDF].

Donations of toys and books and tombola items can be made directly to the school from the 21st May but if you would like someone to collect your items please email or ring Charlotte as above.

Pencaitland Community Council
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Things to do with kids this Easter

Don’t forget Edinburgh’s International Science Festival has loads of activities for kids this Easter. One of the main attractions is the City Arts Centre, entirely given over to interactive activities for children of all ages.

Below you can see just one of the many entertaining activities to engage children’s imaginations.

Also worth checking out is the National Museum of Scotland on Chambers Street. It has a variety of science activities on offer.

For general information on all events go to the What’s On section of the EISF website. For all the activity based stuff go here.

Edinburgh’s International Science Festival was founded in 1989 and is an educational charity that encourages people of all ages and backgrounds to discover, “the wonder of the world around them”.

Pencaitland Community Council
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Edinburgh International Science Festival starts today

Just in case you’re at a loss as to what to do with yourself (and the kids) over the next two weeks of the easter break, you may be interested to discover that, as well as lots of events for adults, the Edinburgh International Science Festival offers a range of activities for children.

Edinburgh International Science Festival 2012

For general information on all events go to the What’s On section of the EISF website. For all the activity based stuff go here.

Edinburgh’s International Science Festival was founded in 1989 and is an educational charity that encourages people of all ages and backgrounds to discover, “the wonder of the world around them”.

The two-week event places an emphasis on giving audiences amazing experiences that inspire and confidence-build. It is also about communicating the excitement and benefits of science in innovative and engaging ways throughout the year, and to bringing science to life.

Pencaitland Community Council
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Help Cubs & Beavers return to Pencaitland

Can you spare a couple of hours a week to help the youth of the village and keep them occupied? Not that long ago Pencaitland had a thriving Beaver Colony and Cub Pack. However both closed due to lack of leaders.


We’ve been asked by Heather Jackson and Fiona Hopkinson of ADC Cubs to pass on their plea to the people of Pencaitland, Boggs Holdings, New Winton and Glenkinchie…

Our plea is to try and resurrect both Beavers and Cubs within Pencaitland as both Haddington and Tranent are unable to meet demand and both have waiting lists that are bursting at the seams!!

We are looking for interested parties, male or female aged 18+ who are enthusiastic, motivated and like children to get involved with the Scout movement. No experience is necessary as full training is given.

If you would like more information or think this could be you then please email Heather Jackson at or Fiona Hopkinson at


Heather Jackson and Fiona Hopkinson
ADC Cubs

Pencaitland Community Council
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Cycling in East Lothian

You may be interested to know that the Visit East Lothian website, featured in our Useful Links page, includes a section on cycling around the county. It includes handy cycle maps in PDF format you can download.