WordPress 4.0 coming

We’re excited that a fresh pressing of WordPress is just out. We’re installed elsewhere to give it a spin and it is looking much cleaner and smoother than ever. Hopefully you too will be able to experience it very soon.

Love math?

  ((/ˈleɪtɛk/ lay-tek or /ˈlɑːtɛk/ lah-tek rather than latex!) is a powerful markup language for writing complex mathematical equations, formulas, etc. Did you know that ourlocality has it built in? Activate LaTeX by enabling the option from Settings > Slim Jetpack. LaTeX is a document preparation system and document markup language.…

Changing and responsive

Things change at ourlocality weekly, not that many notice, but we try hard to fine tune and improve platform stability, usability and security as well as answer questions as best we can – quite responsive really. Responsive templates are all…

Disappearing links

There is no mystery that links have disappeared from the blogroll. As of 3.5 they were gone. Those in the know will have worked out that creating a custom menu achieves pretty much the same thing. Pernickety folk will be…

WordSmith: A smoother media editing experience

With WordPress 3.9 alias “Smith” editing is all about closing the gap: Improved visual editing (paste Word text straight into the editor) Edit images easily Drag and drop your images More with Video and Audio (playlists) Live widget previews Gallery…

Cookie Consent

You will know that “cookie consent” buttons now litter the internet and makes it increasingly less usable and friendly. Despite our misgivings about the wisdom of the legislation, in 2012 we updated our terms of service and made available a small plugin to provide all our users with fine-grained controls to provide consent.