Indeed by the time you read this it will be … so gear up for a more intuitive WordPress!
WordPress 4.8 – ‘Evans’ after the Jazz Musician Bill Evans, adds some great new features.
Here is what Matt Mullenweg, founder, had to say:
On the dashboard the news section now lets you know of meetups and WordCamps in your area, so you can get involved in your local community. There are several new widgets for images, video, audio, and the text widget now has visual editing, making editing sidebars much more accessible for non-coding folks and setting the path for our plans with the Gutenberg editor. There’s a change to the visual WYSIWYG editor that’s hard to describe but hopefully is a joy for you to experience.
Though some updates seem minor, they’ve been built by hundreds of contributors with you in mind.
Get ready for new features you’ll welcome like an old friend: link improvements, three new media widgets covering images, audio, and video, an updated text widget that supports visual editing, and an upgraded news section in your dashboard which brings in nearby and upcoming WordPress events.
If you are enjoying OURLOCALITY FREE! remember that it is lovingly curated and maintained totally locally.
WordPress – the software that we use – is created by a worldwide team of passionate individuals.
Project Leaders
Matt MullenwegRelease Lead
Andrew OzzLead Developer
Andrew NacinLead Developer
Helen Hou-SandíLead Developer
Dion HulseLead Developer
Mark JaquithLead Developer
Contributing Developers
Jeff PaulRelease Deputy
Aaron D. CampbellCore Developer
Aaron JorbinCore Developer
Andrea FerciaCore Developer
Boone B. GorgesCore Developer
Dominik SchillingCore Developer
Drew JaynesCore Developer
Ella Iseulde Van DorpeCore Developer
Gary PendergastCore Developer
Jeremy FeltCore Developer
Joe McGillCore Developer
John BlackbournCore Developer
Mike SchroderCore Developer
Pascal BirchlerCore Developer
Rachel BakerCore Developer
Scott TaylorCore Developer
Sergey BiryukovCore Developer
Weston RuterCore Developer
Core Contributors to WordPress 4.8
1naveengiri, 4nickpick, abhishek, Abhishek Kumar, abrain, Adam Harley (Kawauso), Adam Soucie, Afzal Multani, Ahmad Awais, ajoah, Alex Concha, Alex Floyd Marshall, Alex King, Alex Shiels, Andrea Middleton, Andrew Rockwell, Andy Mercer, Ankit K Gupta, arena94, Arshid, Arun, asalce, ashokkumar24, Barry Ceelen, bcworkz, Bharat Kambariya, Blobfolio, bonger, Boro Sitnikovski, Brad Touesnard, Brady Vercher, Brandon Kraft, Brandon Lavigne, Bridget Willard, Bunty, Cami Kaos, Carl Alberto, Casey Driscoll, cazm, ccprog, Chandra Patel, chesio, chetansatasiya, Chirag Patel, Chouby, chriseverson, Chris Klosowski, Chris Mok, Christian Chung, Corey McKrill, Courtney P.K., Cristiano Zanca, csloisel, Curdin Krummenacher, Cyrus Collier, Daniel Bachhuber, Daniele Scasciafratte, Daniel Llewellyn, Darren Ethier (nerrad), Darshan_dj, darthaud, Daryl L. L. Houston (dllh), David Anderson, davidbenton, David Binovec, David Herrera, David Shanske, designsimply, Dhanendran, Dharmesh Patel, Dhaval Parekh, dingo-d, Dotan Cohen, DoubleH, DreamOn11, Drivingralle, dspilka, Edwin Cromley, Ejner Galaz, emirpprime, Erick Hitter, Ethan Allen, Fabien Quatravaux, fibonaccina, Florian TIAR, Francesca Marano, Frank Neumann-Staude, Franz Josef Kaiser, Gabriel Maldonado, Garth Mortensen, Gary Cao, George Stephanis, Gustave F. Gerhardt, hedgefield, helgatheviking, Hristo Pandjarov, Ian Dunn, Igor Zinovyev, ig_communitysites, imath, Ipstenu (Mika Epstein), ireneyoast, Ivan Stefanov, ivantedja, J.D. Grimes, Jack Reichert, Jake Spurlock, Jaydeep Rami, jazbek, Jeff Bowen, Jeff Farthing, Jeffrey de Wit, Jen Miller, Jeremy Pry, Jignesh Nakrani, Jip Moors, jjcomack, Joe Dolson, John James Jacoby, Jonathan Desrosiers, Jonny Harris, Joost de Valk, Josepha, Josh Pollock, Juhi Saxena, Justin Kopepasah, Justin Tucker, kafleg, Kailey (trepmal), karinedo, Kathryn, kaushik, Keanan Koppenhaver, keesiemeijer, Kelly Dwan, Kite, kjellr, kostasx, kubik-rubik, KUCKLU, Lance Willett, laurelfulford, leemon, Lee Willis, LewisCowles, LiamMcArthur, Lucas Stark, lukasbesch, Luke Cavanagh, maedahbatool, maguiar, Mahesh Prajapati, mantismamita, Marin Atanasov, Marko Heijnen, Mark Root-Wiley, Mark Uraine, MatheusGimenez, Matheus Martins, mathieuhays, matias, Matthew Boynes, Matthew Haines-Young, Matt Wiebe, mattyrob, Maxime Culea, Mayo Moriyama, Mayur Keshwani, Menaka S., michalzuber, michelleweber, Miina Sikk, Mike Crantea, Mike Hansen, Mike Jolley, Mike Little, Mike Nelson, Milan Dinić, Milind More, Mithun Raval, MMDeveloper, Mohammad Jangda, mohanjith, monikarao, Morgan Estes, moto hachi ( ), MrGregWaugh, mschadegg, Muhammet Arslan, MULTIDOTS, Naoko Takano, Naomi C. Bush, Nate Reist, Ned Zimmerman, Nick Halsey, Nikhil Chavan, Nitin Kevadiya, Nitish Kaila, nobremarcos, NoseGraze, nsundberg, nullvariable, odyssey, page-carbajal, Paul Bearne, Paul Biron, Paul de Wouters, Paul Ryan, pavelevap, Payton Swick, pdufour, Perdaan, Philip John, Piotr Delawski, Piotr Soluch, postpostmodern, Pranali Patel, Pratik Shrestha, Presskopp, printsachen1, Priyanka Behera, prosti, ptbello, Rafael Ehlers, raggedrobins, raisonon, ramiabraham, Rami Yushuvaev, ranh, RC Lations, redrambles, reidbusi, reldev, rellect, RENAUT, rensw90, reportermike, Rian Rietveld, Riddhi Mehta, Robbie Cahill, Robert O’Rourke, Robin Cornett, runciters, Ryan Boren, Ryan Welcher, Sagar Jadhav, sagarkbhatt, Sagar Prajapati, Sal Ferrarello, Samantha Miller, Sami Keijonen, Samuel Sidler, Sanket Parmar, sathyapulse, sboisvert, Scott Reilly, Sean Hayes, Sebastian Pisula, sfpt, sgolemon, Shady Sharaf, shashwatmittal, shazahm1, shulard, slbmeh, Soren Wrede, Stanimir Stoyanov, Stephane Daury (stephdau), Stephen Edgar, Stephen Harris, Steven Word, stormrockwell, Sudar Muthu, Supercoder, Sybre Waaijer, szaqal21, taggon, Takayuki Miyauchi, Takayuki Miyoshi, technopolitica, teinertb, tejas5989, terwdan, tharsheblows, theMikeD, thepelkus, Thorsten Frommen, Timmy Crawford, Timothy Jacobs, timph, tmatsuur, tomdxw, Topher, Travis Smith, triplejumper12, truongwp, tymvie, Ulrich, Utkarsh, vaishu.agola27, vijustin, vortfu, wpfo, xrmx, ze3kr, and Zeljko Ascic.
External Libraries
Backbone.js, Class POP3, Color Animations, getID3(), Horde Text Diff, hoverIntent, imgAreaSelect, Iris, jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery Hotkeys, jQuery serializeObject, jQuery.query, jQuery.suggest, jQuery UI Touch Punch, json2, Masonry, MediaElement.js, PclZip, PemFTP, phpass, PHPMailer, Plupload, random_compat, Requests, SimplePie, The Incutio XML-RPC Library, Thickbox, TinyMCE, Twemoji, Underscore.js, and zxcvbn.
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