We have moved!

Due to a minor glitch at our end and a personnel absence at the host end, we only finalised the switchover earlier today,  this Wednesday morning. It all looks good at our end, but if any of you experience problems,…

We are moving this morning

We’ve transferred the files and database to the new server this morning. We’ll run a few tests and switchover the domain authority. If you are planning publishing anything this morning, we suggest holding back your copy until later, so we…

We’re moving

Every so often we need to move the our locality service to a freshly pressed server instance. It is that time of the year, so we’ll be getting on with the migration over the next few days, mainly while you…

13 Reasons to be cheerful

First up, we have rolled out Version 5 of WordPress, which ships with a brand new editing experience. The Block Editor, aka Gutenberg, is reasonably easy to use, but not everyone is in love with it! So the good news…

Heads up – a WordPress publishing present!

WordPress Five Point Oh is just a few days away! wordpress.org Code named Gutenberg, the new “block editor” has been in development for some time now and is poised for full integration into the WordPress ecosystem.

Try before we buy (into the new WordPress editor)

WordPress is developing a brand new text Editor called Gutenberg code named G7G. As the name suggests, this is a revolutionary and critical step in the evolution of WordPress. The way we see it this could be a great addition…