Security Certificate Renewals

Users to a number of our sites in the last couple of days may have got a warning that the site was not secure. What this really means is that the security certificate that helps to protect the site from…

Short Cuts

Life is too short to remember all these short cuts, suffice to say that you will find them all listed in the ? mark in the screen editor of your editing window. The headings ones are particularly handy if your…

Announcement: One half of the web is now encrypted and so are we

Over the weekend – yes we had nothing better to do – we switched 99% of Our Locality sites over to the secure encryption protocol (TLS/SSL), so now when you visit one of our sites or login you should see…

The Theatre of the Herring Industry

Dunbar and Eyemouth were theatres of the Herring Industry in former times, until the silver darlings went away. Here is an eloquent and intelligent reflection on what happened on the other side of the pond. This also illustrates what you…

Snow predicted until Jan 4th

Virtual snow warning across East Lothian websites. If you have a blog/website on OurLocality you may have noticed a light snow fall which also follows your mouse movements.

Upgrade downtime – summer is here

We’ll be back by the end of lunch, with a fair wind and a bit of luck. And whilst we have your attention, Der Sommer ist da, Zeit für ein neues Release. Bald ist es soweit. The news on the grapevine…