
New Flood Alert for Edinburgh and Lothians – October 17th/18th

It’s just a few days since the last alert was issued and we already have a new one covering Edinburgh and the Lothians. Avoid travel wherever possible.

A new flood alert for the lothians was issued on the 17th October 2012
A new floodline alert for the Lothians was issued on the 17th October 2012
The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency issues three levels of threat on flooding. A ‘Flood Alert’ is the most basic, followed by a ‘Flood Warning’ and finally a ‘Severe Flood Warning’.

Here’s the latest from SEPA on the new alert for the Lothians:

“Heavy and persistent rain during the first half of Wednesday has caused some rivers to rise in the region. Heavy showers during the afternoon and evening may cause some smaller watercourses to respond quickly and levels in larger rivers to rise further. Isolated instances of flooding are possible and flood warnings may be issued. Particularly at risk are rivers in the Edinburgh area. High river flows, in combination with high tide levels around 4.30 on Thursday morning, could cause disruption in Musselburgh and other areas where the tide can influence river levels. Intense showers could cause some surface water flooding impacts particularly if the heaviest rain falls in urban areas and on impermeable surfaces, such as the road and rail network. Ponding and standing water may occur in low lying areas. The risk of flooding is expected to extend into Thursday. Members of the public are advised to check the Traffic Scotland website before traveling. SEPA will monitor the situation closely and provide further information when available.

Remain vigilant and remember, it is your responsibility to take actions which help protect yourself and your property. Advice and information is available through Floodline on 0845 9881188. This FLOOD ALERT is now in force until further notice and was sent by phone and sms free of charge to registered customers of our Floodline direct warning service. If you haven’t already signed up to receive free flood messages, please call Floodline or register online at”

Keep your community informed

If you have to travel and spot a dangerous section of road please tweet details to @pencaitlandcc or to the Pencaitland Facebook page. This way the information will automatically be passed on to others.

Example Twitter message:

@pencaitlandcc Bend of A6093 coming into Wester #Pencaitland water over both lanes on final bend. #flood #eastlothian

You can use the same text whether sending to Twitter or posting to Facebook or Google+… whichever you prefer.

the # symbol is often placed in front of keywords on Twitter in order to help people discover relevant updates. If you have room, by adding #eastlothian and #flood to your message it is more likely to be found by those looking for information on areas under water around in the county. Try to be specific, using, for example, #ormiston or #pencaitland hash tags to help geographically pinpoint where the problem is.


Pencaitland’s parallel footpath work grinds to halt

The Pencaitland Fatal Footpath Campaign says if the main road pavement cannot be widened and the lights moved, it supports the Parallel footpath plans as the next best option available to the community.
The Pencaitland Fatal Footpath Campaign says if the main road pavement cannot be widened and the lights moved, it supports the Parallel footpath plans, “as the next best option available to the community”.
Last week’s ELC Planning Committee voted down plans to build a wider footpath running parallel to the main road from the bridge, through the church and into the school.

These plans were the culmination of 18 months of negotiations between members of the church, ELC transport and planning officials, ELC councillors, the Community Council and the Fatal Footpath campaign. These talks came about at the direct request of ELC councillors keen to find a workable solution after rejecting the case for widening the main road pavement and extending the lights between the bridge and the church.

Planning Committee

Last Tuesday (4th Sep) locally elected councillor Jim Gillies (LAB), who now sits on the Planning Committee, argued that the new parallel footpath plans lodged had not been given sufficient scrutiny by residents of Pencaitland. Donald Grant (LAB), another local councillor said that this had been going on too long arguing that planning consent should be granted. At the vote Grant lost.

Plans in limbo

This means that work previously carried out on the site in preparation remains in limbo with no likelihood of the footpath being completed until further community consultations on both this existing parallel footpath plan and any varations or alternatives deemed viable. Crucially, anything presented to the community must be deemed acceptable to both transport and planning officials in East Lothian Council to avoid plans being voted down once again at Council. This is a task now being championed by recently elected councillor Shamin Akhtar (LAB).

Public Consultation

Once it is clear what, if any, alternative options may be viable, these, along with the current plans for a parallel footpath or variants of it, will be presented to the community. This will most likely be achieved with a public viewing in Trevelyan Hall and promoted via an information campaign to each household, as well as through this website and social media.

Long time footpath campaigner and mum Sheila Averbuch said, “Last year the ELC failed to widen the main road footpath despite well over 300 village signatures demanding they do so. The half finished parallel footpath through the churchyard was acceptable to the Fatal Footpath campaign as an alternative. I’m astonished that Planning Committee hasn’t yet approved it. I hope supporters of pedestrian safety will tell the Council clearly that they want the parallel footpath completed.”


  • Pencaitland Fatal Footpath on Facebook
  • East Lothian planning Application Summary
  • Planning Committee Report recommending consent be given for the parallel footpath plan.
  • East Lothian Courier story on the Planning Committee decision to reject Planning official’s recommendation.
  • An earlier story when the Parallel Footpath proposals went to public consultation in March 2012.
  • A map of the proposed parallel footpath.

News Notices

Parallel footpath plans published on ELC website

Anyone interested in the recent preliminary work in and around the grounds of Pencaitland Parish Church can now view detailed planning application information on the East Lothian Council website.

These plans stem from safety concerns originating in 2008 over the narrowness of the main road footpath and are the culmination of many years of discussion and debate amongst interested parties, including the Church, the Community Council, East Lothian Council, the school, Pencaitland’s Fatal Footpath Campaign and other interested parties.

There are two applications:

  • Formation of hardstanding areas and part demolition of wall – link
  • Resurfacing of existing footpaths, formation of new footpaths, car parking area, erection of fencing, gates, wall, installation of lighting and a change of use from domestic ground to public ground and public ground to domestic ground – link

The first application relates to the creation of an opening to a wall to the eastern perimeter of the church grounds, but it is the second application where the bulk of the changes which affect the community are explained. There are a number of supporting documents — 25 in all.

Click above to view a PDF of the planned changes

A good overview of what is planned can be gained from viewing the PDF file plan of the whole section of works, running from the school car park to the east, to the stone roadbridge to the west.

Making a public comment on the plans

We would encourage everyone with a view on these plans, whether for or against, to leave a comment on the ELC website. It is only through airing your support or concerns that they can be addressed, so it is in everyone’s interest to do so.

Pencaitland Community Council
Follow Pencaitland Community Council on Twitter


Scoop on the Poop!

Have you been an unwitting victim of dog poo? It seems many of you have as we’ve had a spate of reports about young and old inadvertently getting into a mess… literally!

East Lothian Dog Watch - click to find out about reporting an offender

To try and get a measure of how big the problem is we’d like your help. The next time you see a doggy doo on your way around the village please send a text to 07920 094 923 saying when and where, or if you’re a tweeter you can tweet your Community Council @pencaitlandcc or post a message on the Community Council Facebook page.

Caught in the act

If you actually spot an owner not cleaning up after their dog report this directly to East Lothian’s community and environmental wardens. They enforce dog and litter legislation and issue fixed penalty fines to people who drop litter or don’t clean up after their dog.