

Biodiversity is an important and informative topic – it promotes a base understanding of the environment and is the basis of all other topics.

All about biodiversity

Biodiversity is … everything! It is all the living things on the planet – plankton, wildflowers, insects, mammals, reptiles, trees and birds – and all the habitats in which they are found – oceans, woodlands, meadows, wetlands and man-made areas like wasteland, fields, parks and canals.

Biodiversity impacts us all – all species require the basic resources provided by the ecosystem to stay alive. Human life is dependent on the inter-relationships between all the living things and habitats in the eco-system. We therefore need to consider carefully the effects of human activity on biodiversity and whether the balance between development and preservation is the correct one.

Dunbar Primary School:

  • Cares for local habitats, plants and animals
  • Uses outdoor areas to teach and learn about biodiversity
  • Makes choices which consider the preservation of the eco-system