Our Community Turbine – news and pictures

So, our experts have said that a 500kW Enercon E48 wind turbine would be the best for our site on Cocklaw Hill.

It would make electricity that we would sell and make over £200,000 each year for our community.

These are some pictures of what it might look like. It’s to the left of the TV mast, The TV mast was built in the 1960’s to give us “High Definition” television. It stopped working around 1984!

Community wind turbine from Asda

Community wind turbine from A1 Torness

Community wind turbine from Oldhamstocks

Our community needs to decide–

Do we want it ?  What do we want to spend the money on?

Vote on-line or at the BeGreen shop. Without community support it will not happen.

Vote Now!

More information about your opinion on “your opinion day” Dunbar Library 2pm to 730pm    Thursday 26th January 2012.