
Whenever you build something new on the land, it has an effect.  Our consultants have checked to see if our community wind turbine will have an effect on the surface or groundwater on Cocklaw/Blackcastle Hill. More details can be found on our planning application.


“The activities involved within the construction, operation and decommissioning of the wind turbine could have an impact on the hydrological elements within the surrounding area. All hydrological and hydrogeological impacts are assessed including impacts on any watercourses, lochs, groundwater, other water features and sensitive receptors such as private water supplies. Where necessary, mitigation measures have been outlined to prevent erosion, pollution, sedimentation or discolouration of receptors.

Hydrological issues are thought to be minor at this site; however the risk of any negative effects on any hydrological/hydrogeological elements within the area should be evaluated and appropriately mitigated where necessary.


“The contamination of hydrological features such as nearby watercourses and groundwater is considered to be a potential risk primarily arising from the construction phase. The relatively small scale of development and the specific site conditions are such that the potential impact is considered to be negligible assuming the construction stage follows the available guidance relating to best practice methods. In this way the most relevant risk, that of impacts upon surface water, can be satisfactorily mitigated.

An assessment will be carried out prior to any construction works to determine whether groundwater is present at the foundation as part of the ground investigation works. This will ensure that suitable mitigation measures can be put in place during excavation and construction if required.

As stated above, mitigation measures can be implemented at the detailed design phase to ensure that the overall risk of contamination of surrounding watercourse is negligible. It is proposed that qualified personnel will be present during soil investigation works to ensure that suitable construction methods and mitigation measures are designed into the construction statement to prevent pollution or sedimentation. Mitigation measures carried out through the construction phase will be carried out in accordance to SEPA guidance and legislation and through ongoing discussion with East Lothian Council.”

Support community energy     How to support the community wind turbine