As part of our planning application we completed an Ecological Impact Assessment. This was completed by BSG ecology and the summary is below.
“5.1 It is proposed to construct a single wind turbine and associated infrastructure within an area of improved grassland pasture near the summit of Cocklaw Hill. The proposed work will result in the loss of a small area of improved grassland habitat that is considered to be of minimal ecological interest: the field has low floristic diversity.
5.2 A limited range of bird species has been identified within the study area, and an assessment of the habitats within the site has concluded that the site is only likely to support a limited range of common farmland species. The few species observed during the walkover survey were mainly using trees in the coniferous plantation 280m west and the the buildings at Cocklaw farm steading 1.6km south-east. the development may potentially result in the disturbance of a small number of common farmland birds, but this is predicted to be a short-term and temporary impact.
5.3 Assessment of the fields around the proposed wind turbine location found no evidence that pink footed geese have been present.Desk study data indicate that the area does not support large numbers of pink-footed and greylag geese. Although no vantage point survey work has been carried out, a theoretical collision risk analysis indicated that the development does not pose a significant risk to geese.
5.4 The development is not predicted to impact upon protected species, including bats. A minimum 280m stand-off has been maintained from the nearest woodland or buildings. It is considered that the development is in accordance with the best practice guideline (Natural England, 2009)”
How to support the community wind turbine
See the full survey report here: