Cultural heritage

This issue is particularly interesting to people who enjoy history. Our locality is covered with historically important sites and it is important not to disturb them. There are two iron age sites near to the community wind turbine. They aren’t visited very much but maybe, when people visit the community wind turbine, they may visit the iron age fort at the same time.

Cultural heritage

“This section assesses the impact of the proposed Cocklaw Hill wind development on those known cultural heritage or archaeological features within the area. This assessment focuses on the impacts upon listed buildings and noted archaeological features within the immediate area of the turbine.”


This assessment has examined the expected impact of the proposed Dunbar turbine on cultural heritage sites.

With regards to the potential for direct impacts from the development, it was noted that no known sites are within the proposed construction area for the proposed access road or turbine location. The primary consideration was whether the turbine would have a significant impact on the setting of the sites through significant visual impact.

A number of sites were identified where a potentially significant effect on their setting may occur. However, due to the limited understanding of the majority of these sites and existing anthropogenic features at the sites, the actual impact of the turbine is not considered to be significant.

Support community energy.    How to support the community wind turbine