This is what my dictionary says about community energy.
- A group of people living in one place
- A group of people with a common religion, race or profession
- The holding of attitudes or interests in common
- A group of animals or plants living or growing in the same place
- The strength and vitality to keep active.
- A person’s physical and mental powers
- Power derived from physical or chemical resources to provide light and heat or to work machines.
There are different types of community energy. Some involve big companies taking a share; some involve shareholders in the community.
Dunbar Community Energy will borrow the money, at a good rate, then pay it back. This keeps it nice and tidy with all profits being shared by the community.
Dunbar Community Energy will use money to fund local projects with environmental and social benefits.
Our community is all the people living in the Dunbar and East Linton ward of East Lothian.