CAPP Panel Agenda Thursday 11th August 2016 & Update

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.


DATE         Thursday 11th August 2016
VENUE      Dunbar Police Station
TIME             19:30 HOURS

  1. Welcome
  2. Attendance Sheet
  3. Update on last month’s priorities
  4. Discuss current policing issues
  5. Agree priorities for month
  6. Date, Time and Venue of next meeting


Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Youth ASB over the summer. Monitor groups of youths involved in ASB, ascertain where they are socialising, make sure they are safe, disrupt ASB.


Dunbar Community Policing Team.

Community Wardens

Speeding motorbikes Conduct road checks to prevent speeding on A198 by Tyninghame Dunbar Community Policing Team

Roads Policing


Anti social behaviour associated to vehicles parked at Shore Road car park. Patrol, link in with young persons present and deal with criminal or anti social issues. Dunbar Community Policing Team

Roads policing officers.

Update on priorities:

Youth ASB over the summer:

Far fewer youth related calls during the summer holidays than in the weeks prior to the holidays.  A number of calls to the harbour about youths jumping in, most youths jumping in at a safe location that is tolerated however a few have been reckless.  No calls to JMCP, no sign of any parties.

Speeding motorbikes

Area patrolled by roads policing colleagues.  No further repeat incidents reported of groups of speeding motorcyclists.

Anti social behaviour associated to vehicles parked at Shore Road car park.

Area given attention by officers on patrol.  No further complaints.


Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE                       Wednesday 29th June 2016

VENUE          Dunbar Police Station

TIME                  19:30 HOURS

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:          Thursday 11th August 2016


Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Youth ASB over the summer. Monitor groups of youths involved in ASB, ascertain where they are socialising, make sure they are safe, disrupt ASB.


Dunbar Community Policing Team.

Community Wardens

Speeding motorbikes Conduct road checks to prevent speeding on A198 by Tyninghame Dunbar Community Policing Team

Roads Policing


Anti social behaviour associated to vehicles parked at Shore Road car park. Patrol, link in with young persons present and deal with criminal or anti social issues. Dunbar Community Policing Team


Roads policing officers.






CAPP Panel Agenda Tuesday 29 June 2016 & Update

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE Wednesday 29th June 2016
VENUE Dunbar Police Station

1. Welcome

2. Attendance Sheet

3. Update on last month’s priorities

4. Discuss current policing issues

5. Agree priorities for month

6. Date, Time and Venue of next meeting


Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.

Bullet Hill at John Muir Country Park.

Conduct foot patrols regarding gatherings of youths at John Muir Country Park and deal with underage drinking and associated anti social behaviour

Dunbar Community Policing Team.

Community Wardens

Parking on West Port, Dunbar Patrol and issue tickets for illegal parking.

Dunbar Community Policing Team

Anti social behaviour associated to vehicles parked at Shore Road car park.

Patrol, link in with young persons present and deal with criminal or anti social issues.

Dunbar Community Policing Team

Roads policing officers.

Update on priorities:

Bullet Hill at John Muir Country Park:

Since large post exams party on Saturday 4th June no further reports of any gatherings of youths at JMCP, will continue to monitor.

Parking on West Port, Dunbar:

Area patrolled, number plates notes, one ticket issued. Problem car moved following police attendance.

Anti social behaviour associated to vehicles parked at Shore Road car park.

Area given attention. Numerous young drivers spoken to. Advice given. No associated offences detected. Further repeat call received therefore further attention required.

Other ongoing policing issues:

  • very few youth complaints.
  • -increase in complaints about driver behaviour.
  • numerous complaints about speeding motorbike on A198 on Wednesday evenings, complaints also received from other coastal towns.
  • attended meetings regarding speeding in Stenton and Tyninghame, 20mph in Dunbar meeting, school drugs talks at Stenton and Belhaven Hill.


Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:     Wednesday 29th June 2016

Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Bullet Hill at John Muir Country Park. Conduct foot patrols regarding gatherings of youths at John Muir Country Park and deal with underage drinking and associated anti social behaviour


Dunbar Community Policing Team.

Community Wardens

Parking on West Port, Dunbar Patrol and issue tickets for illegal parking. Dunbar Community Policing Team


Anti social behaviour associated to vehicles parked at Shore Road car park. Patrol, link in with young persons present and deal with criminal or anti social issues. Dunbar Community Policing Team


Roads policing officers.



CAPP Panel Agenda Tuesday 31st May 2016 & Update

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE Tuesday 31 st May 2016

VENUE Dunbar Police Station


1. Welcome

2. Attendance Sheet

3. Update on last month’s priorities

4. Discuss current policing issues

5. Agree priorities for month

6. Date, Time and Venue of next meeting Continue reading CAPP Panel Agenda Tuesday 31st May 2016 & Update

CAPP Priorities April – May

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.
Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Youth Vulnerabilities Following reports of children as young as 12 involved in late night parties and partaking in associated behaviour send a message to all, especially parents, to keep them safe and report issues to appropriate bodies.


Dunbar Community Policing Team in association with Dunbar Grammar school



Youth ASB at Summerfield road Patrols of area surrounding Grammar School before and after school, during breaks and evenings. Dunbar Community Policing Team.

Community Wardens.

Grammar school guidance team.


Speeding in 20mph zone south of railway line, Dunbar Speeding enforcement. Dunbar Community Policing Team


Roads policing officers.

Dunbar CAPP Meeting Tonight: Thur 14th April & Update

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE         Thursday 14th April 2016

VENUE      Dunbar Police Station

TIME             19:30 HOURS

Update on priorities:

Illegal parking in town centres of Dunbar and East Linton:

High visibility foot patrols conducted on Dunbar High Street, tickets not issued but a number of vehicles seen to move clearly in response to the officers presence.  No complaints received regarding parking issues either on High Streets or at schools.

Dunbar youth ASB:

No youth issues on the High Street since last CAPP meeting.  Youths spoken to on a number of occasions when they have been on the High Street but acting responsibly.  Noise complaints received to a flat on the High Street occupied by a single youth, potentially being used by a number of youths, being monitored.

James Court – foot patrols, no issues

McDonalds – premises checks, particularly on weekend evenings and after pub closing.  Manager thankful for police attention but not formally reporting any issues.

One large parties involving youths and alcohol at Bullet Hill, John Muir Country Park.  Second large party at a private residence that police closed down.

Speeding in 20mph zone south of railway line, Dunbar:

Multi agency meeting attended.  No enforcement conducted due to leave and competing demands.

Other ongoing policing issues:

  • Summerfield Road ASB
  • Thefts of pedal cycles
  • Theft shopliftings involving local youths.


Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 14th April 2016

Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Illegal parking in town centres of Dunbar and East Linton Enforcement of persons on yellow lines, non-badge holders in disabled bays and parking longer that permitted time. Dunbar Community Policing Team
Dunbar youth Anti Social Behavioiur Leaflet drop to High Street residents encouraging persons to report Anti Social Behaviour etc.

(unknown if completed)

Patrols of High Street, James Court and Mcdonalds following recent reports of ASB.

Dunbar Community Council

Dunbar Community Policing Team

Speeding in 20mph zone south of railway line, Dunbar Speeding enforcement and attendance at multi agency site meeting on 2nd March Dunbar Community Policing Team

Roads policing officers.


Other issues discussed included:

  • Parking on pavement in Floors Terrace (police to follow up)
  • Revving motorbikes in Floors terrace (police to follow up)
  • Dog fouling in East Linton park (Community Warden to be made aware)
  • Road safety issue in Rowan Street (Colin Baird from ELC to be made aware)

Dunbar CAPP Meeting Tonight: Wed 24th Feb & Update

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE Wednesday 24th February 2016
VENUE Dunbar Police Station

1. Welcome

2. Attendance Sheet

3. Update on last month’s priorities

4. Discuss current policing issues

5. Agree priorities for month

6. Date, Time and Venue of next meeting

Update on priorities:

Illegal parking at Dunbar Primary School, John Muir Campus:
A number of high visability patrols conducted. Advice given to a number of drivers

Dunbar High Street ASB:
A number of youths spoken to by police at school. No High Street incidents since although possible signs of new problem at McDonalds.

Speeding in 20mph zone south of railway line, Dunbar:
No enforcement conducted since last meeting, multi agency meeting planned for 14.00 on 2nd March

Other ongoing policing issues:
New policing model to be discussed.


Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE            Monday 25th January 2016

VENUE       Dunbar Police Station

TIME          19:30 HOURS

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:        Wednesday 24th February 2016

Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Illegal parking at Dunbar Primary School, John Muir Campus. High viz patrols and enforcement of illegal parking in disabled car park, on double yellow lines and driving in restricted zone.



Dunbar Community Policing Team



Dunbar High Street ASB Leaflet drop encouraging persons to report Anti Social Behaviour etc.

(still not completed)


Patrols relating to congregating youths and post pub dispersal noise nuisance.



Dunbar Community Council


Dunbar Community Policing Team





Speeding in 20mph zone south of railway line, Dunbar Speeding enforcement Dunbar Community Policing Team


Roads policing officers.