Dunbar CAPP Meeting Tonight: Wed 24th Feb & Update

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE Wednesday 24th February 2016
VENUE Dunbar Police Station

1. Welcome

2. Attendance Sheet

3. Update on last month’s priorities

4. Discuss current policing issues

5. Agree priorities for month

6. Date, Time and Venue of next meeting

Update on priorities:

Illegal parking at Dunbar Primary School, John Muir Campus:
A number of high visability patrols conducted. Advice given to a number of drivers

Dunbar High Street ASB:
A number of youths spoken to by police at school. No High Street incidents since although possible signs of new problem at McDonalds.

Speeding in 20mph zone south of railway line, Dunbar:
No enforcement conducted since last meeting, multi agency meeting planned for 14.00 on 2nd March

Other ongoing policing issues:
New policing model to be discussed.

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