Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.
DATE Monday 25th January 2016
VENUE Dunbar Police Station
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 24th February 2016
Priority | Actions to be Undertaken | Person responsible. |
Illegal parking at Dunbar Primary School, John Muir Campus. | High viz patrols and enforcement of illegal parking in disabled car park, on double yellow lines and driving in restricted zone.
Dunbar Community Policing Team
Dunbar High Street ASB | Leaflet drop encouraging persons to report Anti Social Behaviour etc.
(still not completed)
Patrols relating to congregating youths and post pub dispersal noise nuisance.
Dunbar Community Council
Dunbar Community Policing Team
Speeding in 20mph zone south of railway line, Dunbar | Speeding enforcement | Dunbar Community Policing Team
Roads policing officers.