CAPP Panel Agenda Tuesday 31st May 2016 & Update

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE Tuesday 31 st May 2016

VENUE Dunbar Police Station


1. Welcome

2. Attendance Sheet

3. Update on last month’s priorities

4. Discuss current policing issues

5. Agree priorities for month

6. Date, Time and Venue of next meeting

Update on priorities

Youth Vulnerabilities:

  • Police letter included in email sent to parents of all Grammar School pupils
  • Plain clothes patrols conducted over a weekend at John Muir Country Park, party of 70+ youths on Friday 13 th May disrupted, alcohol confiscated, 14yr old youth with Vodka taken home. High Street patrolled, 2 youths aged 12 traced at 1am, both taken home. Saturday 14 th quiet, no party at JMCP.
  • Uniform foot patrol conducted Saturday 21 st May – large party at JMCP disrupted.
  • 3 weekends in a row footbridge over Biel Burn at Sea Road, West Barns vandalised, clearly associated with the youths at JMCP.
  • Dedicated foot patrol youth initiative continuing at weekends.

Youth ASB at Summerfield Road:

  • patrols continued by police and Community Wardens, marked reduction of issues, confirmed by householder where problem occurring.

Speeding in 20mph zone south of railway line, Dunbar:

  • hand held radar checks conducted at Lochend Road and Brodie Road. No
  • tickets issued as no vehicles captured speeding above limit whereby tickets
  • issued but numerous stopped and warned for minor infringements of limit.

Other ongoing policing issues:

  • far fewer youth related complaints other than the JMCP incidents.
  • two recent serious assaults, enquiries in hand and suspects either arrested and charged or will be arrested in the near future.

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Contact your local Community Policing Team or Local Community Warden to discuss non-urgent local crime or antisocial behaviour problems