Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.
DATE Monday 25th January 2016
VENUE Dunbar Police Station
Attendance Sheet
Update on last month’s priorities
Discuss current policing issues
Agree priorities for month
Date, Time and Venue of next meeting
Update on last month’s priorities:
Dog Fouling: ELC community warden Jimmy Wilson to update.
Dunbar High Street ASB: Occasional problems still being observed and reported. Further patrolling required.
Parking issues: Tickets issued on Dunbar High Street for vehicles over time limit, drivers moved on in East Linton. Stenton observed on a number of occasions, no illegal parking or obstructions observed.
Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.
Actions to be Undertaken
Person responsible.
Dog fouling
Enforcement, signage and publicity throughout ward area
East Lothian Community Wardens
Dunbar High Street ASB
Leaflet drop encouraging persons to report Anti Social Behaviour etc.
Patrols relating to youth related ASB in vennels and post pub dispersal noise nuisance.
Dunbar Community Council
Dunbar Community Policing Team
Parking issues
Enforcement of time limit parking in Dunbar and East Linton (esp on Saturday mornings) and assessment of obstructive parking in Stenton following complaints.
Dunbar Community Policing Team
Other matters discussed:
street lights out on Dunbar High Street.
complaints about lack of bins at country car parks
visibility of cyclists – PC Ross to attend Dunbar Grammar School assemblies to give input on this and other issues.
speeding, request for more speed gun enforcement.
concerns regarding a perceived increase in youth drug use
Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 14th October 2015
Actions to be Undertaken
Person responsible.
Issue parking tickets for parking offences in Dunbar and East Linton town centres.
Dunbar Community Policing Team.
Dunbar High Street and Harbour Anti Social Behaviour
Deal with issues of anti social behaviour. Complaints received regarding evening youth disorder and noise and damage when pubs disperse. At harbour encourage harbour users to contact police to report incidents of anti social or dangerous behaviour.
Dunbar Community Policing Team
Conduct speed checks throughout ward area on main arterial routes in to towns and in vicinity of schools.
Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.
We will continue to be visible within the community, maximising the number of patrols carried out, and undertaking specific operations and diversionary initiatives.
We will take part in all aspects of the community, through involvement in Community Councils, CAPP meetings, Neighbourhood Watches, schools, youth groups, interest groups and farming forums to ensure a coordinated approach to addressing those issues within the community.
Campaign Against Violence
We will use additional officers on selected Friday nights to target violent offenders and assist regular officers with pub dispersals.
Local Violent Offender Multi Agency Tasking and Co-ordinating (MATAC)
We will discuss prominent offenders with partners and will take action to prevent future offending and enforce court restrictions.
Crime Prevention
We will continue to give crime prevention advice, on request from occupiers of residential properties or owners of business premises.
We will listen to our community at our surgeries and respond with advice and action.
We will continue to work closely with local schools in an effort to talk to young people about antisocial behaviour, domestic violence and road safety issues through initiatives like 2morow’s driver (Road Safety awareness for young drivers).
We will target violent individuals, by using stop-search powers to identify those carrying alcohol, weapons and drugs.
We will support the use of ASBOs and share information to help with the early eviction of problem tenants.
We will use specialised officers to combat and investigate thefts by housebreaking, domestic violence and sexual offences and target these crimes with specific initiatives.
We will respond to complaints of litter and will carry out joint patrols with community wardens to deter offenders and if necessary issue Fixed Penalty Tickets.