CAPP Panel Agenda Tuesday 29 June 2016 & Update

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE Wednesday 29th June 2016
VENUE Dunbar Police Station

1. Welcome

2. Attendance Sheet

3. Update on last month’s priorities

4. Discuss current policing issues

5. Agree priorities for month

6. Date, Time and Venue of next meeting


Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.

Bullet Hill at John Muir Country Park.

Conduct foot patrols regarding gatherings of youths at John Muir Country Park and deal with underage drinking and associated anti social behaviour

Dunbar Community Policing Team.

Community Wardens

Parking on West Port, Dunbar Patrol and issue tickets for illegal parking.

Dunbar Community Policing Team

Anti social behaviour associated to vehicles parked at Shore Road car park.

Patrol, link in with young persons present and deal with criminal or anti social issues.

Dunbar Community Policing Team

Roads policing officers.

Update on priorities:

Bullet Hill at John Muir Country Park:

Since large post exams party on Saturday 4th June no further reports of any gatherings of youths at JMCP, will continue to monitor.

Parking on West Port, Dunbar:

Area patrolled, number plates notes, one ticket issued. Problem car moved following police attendance.

Anti social behaviour associated to vehicles parked at Shore Road car park.

Area given attention. Numerous young drivers spoken to. Advice given. No associated offences detected. Further repeat call received therefore further attention required.

Other ongoing policing issues:

  • very few youth complaints.
  • -increase in complaints about driver behaviour.
  • numerous complaints about speeding motorbike on A198 on Wednesday evenings, complaints also received from other coastal towns.
  • attended meetings regarding speeding in Stenton and Tyninghame, 20mph in Dunbar meeting, school drugs talks at Stenton and Belhaven Hill.

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Contact your local Community Policing Team or Local Community Warden to discuss non-urgent local crime or antisocial behaviour problems