Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE                       Wednesday 29th June 2016

VENUE          Dunbar Police Station

TIME                  19:30 HOURS

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:          Thursday 11th August 2016


Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Youth ASB over the summer. Monitor groups of youths involved in ASB, ascertain where they are socialising, make sure they are safe, disrupt ASB.


Dunbar Community Policing Team.

Community Wardens

Speeding motorbikes Conduct road checks to prevent speeding on A198 by Tyninghame Dunbar Community Policing Team

Roads Policing


Anti social behaviour associated to vehicles parked at Shore Road car park. Patrol, link in with young persons present and deal with criminal or anti social issues. Dunbar Community Policing Team


Roads policing officers.






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Contact your local Community Policing Team or Local Community Warden to discuss non-urgent local crime or antisocial behaviour problems