Dunbar CAPP Meeting Tonight: Thur 14th April & Update

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE         Thursday 14th April 2016

VENUE      Dunbar Police Station

TIME             19:30 HOURS

Update on priorities:

Illegal parking in town centres of Dunbar and East Linton:

High visibility foot patrols conducted on Dunbar High Street, tickets not issued but a number of vehicles seen to move clearly in response to the officers presence.  No complaints received regarding parking issues either on High Streets or at schools.

Dunbar youth ASB:

No youth issues on the High Street since last CAPP meeting.  Youths spoken to on a number of occasions when they have been on the High Street but acting responsibly.  Noise complaints received to a flat on the High Street occupied by a single youth, potentially being used by a number of youths, being monitored.

James Court – foot patrols, no issues

McDonalds – premises checks, particularly on weekend evenings and after pub closing.  Manager thankful for police attention but not formally reporting any issues.

One large parties involving youths and alcohol at Bullet Hill, John Muir Country Park.  Second large party at a private residence that police closed down.

Speeding in 20mph zone south of railway line, Dunbar:

Multi agency meeting attended.  No enforcement conducted due to leave and competing demands.

Other ongoing policing issues:

  • Summerfield Road ASB
  • Thefts of pedal cycles
  • Theft shopliftings involving local youths.

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