Free this week and the next

The OurLocality Network offers a free publishing network for anyone in or around East Lothian. Whether you have a one off project, need to setup an emergency website or have a slow burning idea that needs space to evolve, our…

Just a minute!

This post is not about the witty panel game that requires people to talk for sixty seconds on a given subject, “without repetition, hesitation or deviation”. It’s even more boring than that. This post is about the often tedious record that follows an equally…

Ourlocality has just gone Green

We have just upgraded to WordPress 3.4. “Green” in honour of guitarist Grant Green, known for his soulful simplicity. Check for problems and report back. Simplicity is a refreshing constant in the WordPress philosophy so we try not to clutter…

Who gives a cookie?

Let’s face it the web can be a dangerous place. There are online scams. There are viruses. There’s phishing. There’s cookies, remember them? Crunchy on the outside and soft in the middle. While cookies are not likely to be exclusively…

Changing Ourlocality

OurLocality is changing all the time. In more ways than one. Partly this is due to the assemblage of tools that we use to keep everything going. Sometimes things don’t work as well as they should. Sometimes they don’t get…

Are hesitation repetition and deviation bad?

Apart from in “Just a minute”, where the rules forbid it, hesitation, repetition, and deviation can often be used to positive effect. Hesitators like Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus waited for the right moment to intervene in battle [1. His nickname “Cunctator”…