Local is the New Global

Because we like to keep things bang up to date, over the w/e we released Version 4.2 of WordPress, named “Powell” in honor of jazz pianist Bud Powell, on OurLocality. New features in 4.2 help you communicate and share, globally…

Unexplained Outage

Without warning yesterday at 14:30 we experienced a complete website and platform outage. Normal service was resumed only after at 19:00. This is probably one of the longest unplanned outages that we have ever experienced, so big apologies for that…

Add Jet Power to your website

You can now connect your site to WordPress.com for extra goodies like nice traffic stats and customisation tools and a lot lot more, that normally wordpress.com charges a nice fee for. Head over to http://jetpack.me for a peek at what…

How long is a piece of string

When we don’t have a ready or good answer for something, we all trot out the fallback and muse over the length of string. Hummm. If you ask us to implement a feature for your website, that is not part of…

Four point one

WordPress and OurLocality doesn’t stay still, with a new release 4.1 pressed and rolled out last evening. Image management just got sweeter and distraction free writing has improved, a little less zen and not very wabi sabi, but there you…

Free Support

As well as free support on the support forum, new members of the ourlocality network can get a half hour introductory session to get their site into shape before making it live. To qualify, you must have created your site…