Questions being asked – Why don’t we spend the money making our homes more energy efficient?

That’s totally what we should do. The problem is finding the money to pay for energy efficiency measures in our community.

If we were more energy efficient, we would need less turbines.

Community energy could reinvest profit into saving people money at home through energy efficiency measures. If that is the result of the public vote then it can create local jobs in keeping local homes warm.



Question being asked – How do we spend the money?

As a result of the public vote some good questions have come up that we would like to answer.

How do we spend the money and who decides is one question. Basically that is the point of community energy, the community decides. In our case the board of the parent charity, Sustaining Dunbar, has to work out of it is feasible and within the aims of the charity but whatever happens there has to be at least one public consultation on how to spend the money. We are doing at least two at the early stage. The link below explains the process.

How is the money invested from community energy

Our Community Turbine – news and pictures

So, our experts have said that a 500kW Enercon E48 wind turbine would be the best for our site on Cocklaw Hill.

It would make electricity that we would sell and make over £200,000 each year for our community.

These are some pictures of what it might look like. It’s to the left of the TV mast, The TV mast was built in the 1960’s to give us “High Definition” television. It stopped working around 1984!

Community wind turbine from Asda

Community wind turbine from A1 Torness

Community wind turbine from Oldhamstocks

Our community needs to decide–

Do we want it ?  What do we want to spend the money on?

Vote on-line or at the BeGreen shop. Without community support it will not happen.

Vote Now!

More information about your opinion on “your opinion day” Dunbar Library 2pm to 730pm    Thursday 26th January 2012.

News coming soon

We are expecting the results of an expert study on the Cocklaw Hill wind turbine very soon. Details will appear on this website. Subscribe if you would like the news…

We have the energy – you have the power!

Up and down the country 100s of communities are getting together and setting up local renewable energy projects.

It looks like something really BIG is happening and the questions is, “Do we want to part of the action?”

It is now possible to 100% own your renewable energy company – and it’s going to make us money and save money (not just the planet.)

So why pay more for doing the right thing?

We have the energy. You have the power.

Have your say

Feel free to download the A4 poster and pin it up.

Getting Technical

You will have noticed our website / blog has been rather static. We would like to put more information out to the people.

This way more people will understand the benefits of  community energy.

We will be looking for help with some of the social media tools, like facebook and twitter.

What is community energy?

Community energy is community owned electricity. As you know the electricity you buy is supplied by large companies. With community energy we generate electricity and sell it to grid. We then spend the profits within our community. Whilst generating we can also use this electricity in our homes and businesses and get paid for using it.

With support from Sustaining Dunbar, Community Energy Scotland, the Climate Challenge Fund and a local farmer we are ready to deliver the benefits of community energy to the residents of Dunbar and district, East Lothian.