Project Legacy

We are making it easier for people to reconnect with their locality

We are making it easier for people to reconnect with their locality

The main legacy from this project is the ‘Local Resilience Action Plan’ which will provide a guiding framework for the work of Sustaining Dunbar in the years to come. Sustaining Dunbar’s position as a democratically run community organization has been consolidated, with good governance and administrative systems in place and with significantly raised local credibility and profile. Our capacity to initiate and support new and emerging projects and social enterprises has been enhanced.

Many local partnerships and links have been made with other organizations locally as well as with East Lothian Council and the East Lothian Community Planning Partnership. A significant outcome of this has been the development and adoption of the East Lothian Environment Strategy, which is now starting to inform enabling policies within East Lothian Council and other community planning partners.

Whilst hard to quantify, we are confident that we have significantly raised local awareness and engagement with issues around climate change, resource depletion and building a resilient local economy. We have created collections of relevant books and films in Dunbar and East Linton libraries. A number of new practical initiatives are now in place and becoming established; some as independent but linked organizations –such as Dunbar Allotments Association, Dunbar Community Bakery, the local market group, Fairtrade Dunbar and Carbon Neutral Stenton.