Help Switching

Inertia prevents many people from switching. Switching their bank, energy supplier, or their insurance provider. The idea that there is a better deal out there might sound appealing on one level, until you actually have to feel the pain of doing it. So many don’t. Regulators and economists seem to overlook this.

Image Management

Many website users struggle with images, even those that have managed a website for years. Here’s some straightforward things you can do to make your photo publishing weblife easier. The image block is easy to use as is the gallery block. If you must combine text and images and want it to look the part…

Hello Twenty Twenty One!

Prematurely, Twenty Twenty One is here!!! It is the new WordPress theme and, naturally, supports WordPress Blocks (since Twenty Nineteen most WP themes should). Once you get the hang of Layout Editing with blocks, you should find they are great, especially for designing bespoke pages which need to look properly laid out. It is also…


This baby gull is sitting on a neighbour's BMW

The video block is as easy as popping a youtube or vimeo link into your page