
Rare Plants for Rare Diseases Sale raises over £850

From 10am on Sunday the StopwatchGardener (aka Sheila Averbuch) ran a sale of rare and unusual plants in order to raise funds for the neurodegenerative disorder Neuroacanthocytosis.

Only 10 people in the UK are known to have the genetic disease.

Rare Plants for Rare Diseases Sale - Sunday 6 May 2012

Despite the weather threatening to close in once again, most of the sale remained dry and sunny, with many crowding into the garden to enjoy locally baked goods and hot drinks.

Almost £900 was raised (now £930), with more proceeds expected over the next fortnight.

Huge thanks to all the plant specialists who donated rare or unusual examples towards the fundraiser and for all the help from many locals who produced some excellent baking for the day.

You can get further background on the plant sale by visiting the Stopwatchgardener website.

Below are a few photos from the day.

Or some video…

Pencaitland Community Council
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Rare Plant Sale tomorrow (& cake!)

Keen gardeners will love the selection of rare and unusual garden plants on offer tomorrow, donated by the UK’s top nurseries.

Starting at 10am the sale, opposite the Spar in Pencaitland, offers unusual and familiar plants plus teas and cakes.

All proceeds go to research into NA, one of Britain’s rarest rare diseases. For more details go to

Rare plants for rare diseases sale by the StopwatchGardener Sunday 6th May from 10am. Click for more information.

Pencaitland Community Council
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Bringing back wildlife to Pencaitland

Whether or not you have an interest in gardening there’s a good chance that you know our local species of bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects are now in a struggle for their very survival. But it needn’t bee (excuse the pun) that way.

Many bred blooms offer little or no pollen to native insects

Recent BBC TV programme Bees, Butterflies and Blooms, presented the case for reintroducing many indigenous species of wildflower that in recent history have all but disappeared from our gardens, verges and open spaces.

Presented by Sarah Raven, the show argues that if we don’t act then many native species of pollinating insects are in danger of being lost forever.

At Pencaitland Community Council we’re keen to take up this challenge and explore ways that the local community can work together. We want to pinpoint areas which, rather than being left as mowed strips of grass or beds with nectar-poor plants, could be populated with a variety of native and other nectar-rich species that would give our wildlife a chance at long term recovery.