Whether or not you have an interest in gardening there’s a good chance that you know our local species of bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects are now in a struggle for their very survival. But it needn’t bee (excuse the pun) that way.
Recent BBC TV programme Bees, Butterflies and Blooms, presented the case for reintroducing many indigenous species of wildflower that in recent history have all but disappeared from our gardens, verges and open spaces.
Presented by Sarah Raven, the show argues that if we don’t act then many native species of pollinating insects are in danger of being lost forever.
At Pencaitland Community Council we’re keen to take up this challenge and explore ways that the local community can work together. We want to pinpoint areas which, rather than being left as mowed strips of grass or beds with nectar-poor plants, could be populated with a variety of native and other nectar-rich species that would give our wildlife a chance at long term recovery.