
Ormiston & Pencaitland bus meeting fills hall to capacity

The public meeting to allow bus users of rural East Lothian to voice their concerns to Council leaders filled Trevelyan Hall to capacity, with many standing at the entrance to listen in.

A full house at Trevelyan Hall

In attendance were Council leader Paul McLennan (SNP), Councillor Donald Grant (Labour) and both the MSP Iain Gray and MP Fiona O’Donnell. There were also a number of other sitting and prospective councillors hoping to be elected and re-elected in a few days time.

Whilst there was some inevitable party political banter Ormiston community council leader Jim Blane kept a lid on proceedings, focussing on permitting members of the public to air their concerns.

Some of the key points to emerge were:

  • Lothian buses is to take over the moment First withdraws its services to Ormiston & Pencaitland
  • Fares will follow the model already applied by Lothian across the whole of its existing network. This should mean they are below First’s fares.
  • Paul McLennan indicated a willingness to see more active involvement from actual bus users, Rural East Lothian Bus Users (RELBUS) and Community Councils on ELC’s decision-making on buses.

Less clear was the fate of other uncommercial services such as the Gifford Circle (now the 123) and services for Elphinstone, Glenkinchie and New Winton. In the latter case Councillor Jim Gillies claimed he had received concerns from 23 residents when their bus service stopped around a year ago, and still have no means of getting to other parts of the county.

Many expressed relief that a rural transport crisis has been avoided and welcomed the news that Lothian will take up when First withdraws. However, just as many expressed doubts about whether wider issues surrounding non-commercial connections to and between rural parts of East Lothian, would be pursued or dropped once a new Council is elected.

Q. Would you like to join in and be consulted on ELC decisions affecting rural bus service provision?

If yes, then send your email and contact details to

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Local media covers next week’s public bus meeting

Both the East Lothian Courier and East Lothian News gave space over in this week’s papers to reporting on the up-coming public meeting being held in Trevelyan Hall next Tuesday.

Check out our original story on the public meeting here.

If you would like to attend but can’t make it, do leave a comment here and we will pass these on to the administration at East Lothian Council as well as our local MP and MSP.

The Courier report on next Tuesday's meeting in Trevelyan Hall - click to read a more detailed report on developments on the Courier's website.

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News Notices

Ormiston & Pencaitland Communities call on politicians to listen to bus users

Ormiston and Pencaitland Community Councils are joining forces to hold a public meeting on Tuesday the 1st of May in Pencaitland’s Trevelyan Hall, two days before Council elections, inviting sitting and prospective councillors to come and listen to local residents of rural East Lothian.

Ormiston & Pencaitland Communities call on politicians to listen to bus users.  Plan joint meeting 1st May, 7.30pm in Trevelyan Hall

The joint meeting will take place on 1st May at 7.30pm in Trevelyan Hall, Pencaitland.

The Community Councils are inviting both sitting and prospective candidates of the Council elections to attend and hear the effects first hand from members of the affected communities.

As Jim Blane, Chair of Ormiston Community Council explains, “We believe that it’s absolutely vital that all our political representatives have a clear understanding of what the removal of bus services would mean to real people of rural East Lothian. We’ve heard lots of welcome noises about what various politicians will do about this situation but our rural communities need to be assured that this is top of the priority list and that there is no-one left stranded without transport and unable to live their normal life when the First Bus service ceases.”

Pencaitland Chair Ralph Averbuch added, “Right now we’re all getting flyers through our doors telling us what each political party might do and criticising the failings of their opponents. What we need to see is joined up thinking where all political factions set aside their narrow party agendas and work together to ensure we have both a short-term solution when First services cease, and a long-term strategy which won’t begin to unravel in the space of one council term. We need imaginative but pragmatic thinking that delivers a lasting and viable bus service to rural East Lothian.”

As well as inviting members of their own communities Pencaitland and Ormiston Community Councils are also encouraging residents of other parts of rural East Lothian who will be affected by the bus service’s removal to attend the event.

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Pencaitland responds to new ELC development plan

As part of East Lothian’s Local Development Plan Community Councils and individuals across the county were asked to take part in the process, offering their views and key concerns. These will hopefully be taken up by ELC and replace the current East Lothian Local Plan 2008.

We published an article on this process back in January this year.

The culmination of this exercise was a submission from your Community Council, which can be read below…


East Lothian Local Development Plan (ELLDPone)

East Lothian Council is preparing a new Local Development Plan. This will be a new land-use strategy that will eventually replace the existing East Lothian Local Plan 2008.

At this stage they are keen to hear the views of everyone with an interest in East Lothian.  They want to know what aspirations you have for the way the area might develop over the next ten years or so, and what planning issues you think may need to be addressed in the new plan.

A series of events has been arranged to gather your views. These will be run independently by Planning Aid for Scotland (PAS), an impartial, charitable organisation that helps people have their say in the planning system. The views gathered will help the Council prepare a Main Issues Report, which will then be published for consultation later in 2012.

Community meetings for the general public will be held in each of East Lothian’s six main towns, plus one event specifically to discuss the future role of Blindwells new settlement.  There will also be a series of additional workshop meetings targeted at specific audiences.

You can see details of the locations and times of the consultation events here. Places at these events are free but must be booked by emailing or calling Deanne at Planning Aid for Scotland on 0131 220 9730.

You can find a discussion paper here, which provides further background information and sets out the type of planning issues that the Local Development Plan might seek to address.

If you wish to submit any comments to be taken into account in the preparation of the Main Issues Report, please send them by Monday 12th March 2012 to the Policy and Projects team at or at:

Policy and Projects
Environment Department
East Lothian Council
John Muir House
EH41 3HA

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Small scale wind turbines in East Lothian

East Lothian Council has approved a consultation for a Supplementary Landscape Capacity Study for Smaller Wind Turbines.

Small Scale Wind Turbine Consultation in East Lothian

The study focuses on capacity within the East Lothian landscape for accommodating smaller scale wind turbines. 

The consultation period runs until 5pm on Monday 24 October 2011 and the document is available here.  Copies can also be found at Planning Reception, John Muir House in Haddington and all local and mobile libraries.

Comments on the document can be directed to Peter Collins, Executive Director of Environment by post or by email at policy&

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Latest SESplan Development Plan

SESplan (The Strategic Development Planning Authority for Edinburgh and South East Scotland) was designated by Scottish Ministers on 25 June 2008  and comprises City of Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian, Fife, Scottish Borders and West Lothian Councils.

The key role of the SDPA is to prepare and maintain an up to date Strategic Development Plan for the area. This process will involve engaging key stakeholders and the wider community. The SDP when completed will replace the existing Edinburgh and Lothians Structure Plan, the Fife Structure Plan and the Scottish Borders Structure Plan.

As part of the ongoing development of the SDP,  SESplan has made Development Plan Scheme No.3 available for public reference.   Click here to read more.


Council seeking your views on local transport

East Lothian Council is going through the process of updating its Local Transport Strategy (LTS) and wants to know the views of organisations and individuals.

The original 2001 Local Transport Strategy document from ELC - click to view the PDF

The current LTS was published back in 2001 and is now being revised to try to reflect the changes that have taken place since then. You can influence this process by participating in this online consultation questionnaire.

The Council’s spokesman on transport issues is Barry Turner. He says, “Transport is fundamental to today’s society whether it is for work or leisure or the delivery of the goods and services. The Council’s ‘Contract with the People’ calls for a sensible transport strategy to meet these requirements but we also recognise that transport planning is not simply about choosing and developing different travel options but considering ways of reducing the overall need for travel.”

The Council has now produced a consultation paper which is seeking your views on the priorities, scope and content of an updated LTS based on the following questions:

• What are the priorities for transport you would like to see addressed?
• What are your aspirations for sustainable transport in East Lothian?
• What would encourage to you to walk and cycle more?
• What would encourage you to use public transport more?
• Do you agree that we need to reduce the overall need to travel?

Interestingly, as far back as 2004 Alastair Guild of the Rural Design Group consulted with the villagers in and around Pencaitland, putting together a “Pencaitland Statement” [PDF], which looked at the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to wider village life from effective (or bad) planning and development.

One aspect picked up in this statement was Transport. The document states, “Traffic, and in particular the speed of traffic at the War Memorial and through the village and across the bridge seems to be another issue impacting on use and enjoyment of the public realm, and on feelings of safety. The responses make a number of suggestions for ways in which the situation might be improved.”

Under ‘Opportunities’ the 2004 statement says, “Measures are needed to control and reduce the speed and volume of traffic in, through and around the village, to extend the footpath from the bridge linking West and East Pencaitland as far as Limekilns and also to move the traffic lights further east. The condition of the kerbstone opposite the Church is evidence of the number of vehicles failing to negotiate the road safely. The removal of a length of indifferent but protected wall would improve safety for pedestrians and motorists alike.”

On public transport the 2004 statement adds, “The village would benefit from a faster, more direct bus service to Edinburgh and a more regular bus service to Haddington”.

So to help inform opinions, a consultation questionnaire is now online, together with the Council’s 2001 Local Transport Strategy [PDF] document. Give yourself between 10 and 20 minutes to complete the online questionnaire.

If you’d prefer a paper copy or have any other questions, you can email Please submit views by Wednesday 20 July 2011.


Have you got any views on transport? Fill in the above questionnaire and if you have a particular concern on some aspect of transport in either Pencaitland or East Lothian generally, please leave a comment below…