
Pencaitland responds to new ELC development plan

As part of East Lothian’s Local Development Plan Community Councils and individuals across the county were asked to take part in the process, offering their views and key concerns. These will hopefully be taken up by ELC and replace the current East Lothian Local Plan 2008. Read on to view Pencaitland’s submission…

As part of East Lothian’s Local Development Plan Community Councils and individuals across the county were asked to take part in the process, offering their views and key concerns. These will hopefully be taken up by ELC and replace the current East Lothian Local Plan 2008.

We published an article on this process back in January this year.

The culmination of this exercise was a submission from your Community Council, which can be read below…

Pencaitland Community Council
East Lothian Local Development Plan
Community Council Response for inclusion in MIR 12 March 2012

Pencaitland Community Council welcomes this opportunity to engage with the planning process. We have the following issues which we propose for inclusion in the Main Issues Report.

Economic Growth

We strongly support the strategic plan proposals for improved rail services (capacity upgrade on the East Coast Main Line, additional services to North Berwick, additional station at East Linton). Local bus service is poor and getting worse – will integration of transport services include Pencaitland, New Winton, Glenkinchie and surrounding areas?

Road Transport Infrastructure

We support a reduction in the number of heavy vehicles through the village. Development proposals that would generate such traffic should include proposals for alternative suitable routes. In addition, the LDP should include a requirement on the Council’s Traffic/Roads Engineers to make adequate provision for pedestrian, equestrian and cyclist road users with all new and maintenance projects for the
County’s road network.

High Speed Broadband Infrastructure

Responses to our current high speed broadband demand assessment survey on the Community Council website ( indicate that 40% of respondents use the internet for their business. British Telecom currently has no plans to introduce the BT Infinity service to this area (fibre to the cabinet). High Speed Rural Broadband is a key driver of economic activity for the County, and should be considered as essential as water and electricity supplies. The LDP should include a requirement on BT (and other providers) to extend this provision to all areas of the County.

Development Land

Within the framework of the Edinburgh and the Lothians Structure Plan, the Local Plan envisages that additional development in rural areas may be permitted, outwith the major housing developments at e.g. Blindwells and Letham Mains. We propose that developments should be permitted providing they are small (one or two houses), and in locations adjacent to existing villages and settlements, rather than estates of identical housing. In addition, the redevelopment or replacement of an existing or disused building or site which has previously been developed should be allowed; i.e. in these circumstances, in accessible rural areas the presumption against new development should be relaxed.

Pencaitland Community Council
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By pencaitland

Pencaitland Community Council exists to represent the views of local residents about local issues that matter to them. This involves close liaison with other groups in the community and helps to develop a more coherent and dynamic village environment.

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