
Check out the new Pencaitland Parents page

There’s a new Facebook page especially for mums, dads and extended friends and family living in or near Pencaitland and other nearby communities of Boggs Holdings, New Winton and Peastonbank / Glenkinchie.

Pencaitland Parents on Facebook - click to check it out

Called Pencaitland Parents it’s hoped that over time it will become a useful message board for parents with kids of all ages to share information on both school and non-school events and activities in and around the village and other communities in the immediate area.

Of course, not everyone likes (excuse the pun) using Facebook. For those not so keen on it, we recommend following Pencaitland Parent Council on Twitter.

Pencaitland Community Council
Follow Pencaitland Community Council on Twitter


Broadband Survey Update

We would like to thank all those who have already participated in our Broadband Survey. This is in order to establish whether there is sufficient demand to investigate provision of high speed wireless broadband offering a starting speed of 20Mbps which would cover Pencaitland and other outlying rural areas and villages.

But we still need more participants in order to make the survey sample as representative as possible. If you have already taken part in the survey, please take a moment to tell your neighbours and ask them to visit this site to take part.

We’ve created a shortlink to make it easy for people to find the survey, which can be filled in at:

Meantime, here’s a snapshot of how people use the Internet in and around the village. It comes as no surprise that almost everyone uses the Internet to access email and the web, but a surprisingly high 87% also use services such as the BBC’s iPlayer catch-up service. Nearly half also upload material to services like YouTube or Flickr.

What do use broadband for?

Pencaitland Community Council
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