Fly-tipping is the common term used to describe waste illegally deposited on land. It can range from a single bin bag to thousands of tonnes of construction and demolition waste.
Fly-tipping is everyone’s problem
- Uncontrolled waste disposal can be hazardous to the public who may come in to contact with it e.g. chemical wastes, electrical items, syringes.
- Environmental damage can result from illegally dumped waste.
- Fly-tipping looks unsightly which can have a detrimental effect on the appeal of an area or can harm investment into an area.
- Cleaning up fly-tipping costs council tax payers’ money.
On the 29th April it’s Pencaitland’s Annual Litter Pick Up. The aim is to start at around 2pm. All kids taking part (and bringing parents with them) will be in with a chance of winning a digital camera.
It’s just SIX days until Pencaitland’s Litter Pick-up…