Changing the System – What Can We Do?

Panel 5. CHANGING THE SYSTEM -  what can we do? Can we take this opportunity to reflect on  what is actually important for our wellbeing,  on what sort of future we want to create? The Coronavirus Pandemic has exposed the fragility of our economic system and how vulnerable it leaves so many people. It has also highlighted how quickly ordinary people can respond positively to looking after each other and meeting local needs in a crisis.
We have Where we are now, an old system that is failing. Policies, taxes, laws and regulations that keep the old system going Industries that take, make and waste Mindset - that economic growth is always good Mindset - that wellbeing comes from material consumption Mindset - that nature is for material consumption
A Just Transition For a just transition from the old to the new, we must –    Develop policies, taxes, laws and regulations for a just transition Ask – growth of what? And for whose benefit? Involve people in shaping a new system that works for all Make choices today that  will shape our society, economy, health and climate for decades to come. Where we want to be We need a new system that works for all   Policies, taxes laws and regulations that underpin a system that works for all  A circular economy   Mindset - that  growth in  human and ecological  wellbeing is always good Mindset - that  wellbeing  comes from  social connection  Mindset - that  humans  are part of nature
The old system makes it difficult for us as individuals to change the way we live
We can develop and  share our practical skills
We can try out new ideas for meeting our needs from local resources
We can talk to people - most people are more influenced by friends, colleagues and neighbours than by distant events


We can deepen our understanding  and connection to nature
We can hold and share a positive vision  of the sort of world and the sort of places  we want to create for ourselves and  future generations
By working together we can build the new system we want from bottom up
We can celebrate creativity
We can support each other, especially those let down by the old system
And together we can withdraw our support from the old systems that are poisoning the air, land and sea: that are destroying people’s health and driving inequality, here and across the world