Extract data or image

In Map Maker Pro the Extract Tool only appears in the TOOLS menu, unlike other selection options.

It is quite powerful as you can create:

  • an enhance meta file – emf
  • bitmaps, like tiff, jpg, bmp
  • copy to the clipboard
  • Map Maker drawing
  • Map Maker drawing as polygons

What’s more, you can save world files too (the information that geo locates the image).

Very clever indeed!

Why is it so well hidden?

    Asking Questions: Querying Data

    Arc Explorer Java can help with easy questions like

    • What data is in that polygon/s?
    • Who owns this land?
    • What is the land use?
    • What is in my circle/square/polygon of interest?
    • What is in this 100m buffer zone around a proposed development?

    First off note the selection icons in the top menu.

    If the layer has attributes that can be queried, then these buttons will be active (as opposed to greyed out).

    What do the buttons do?  The info button – useful for pointing and clicking – just make sure you are querying the correct layer.  If you don’t see the info button or you get the wrong answer, check the correct layer is selected.


    Find – will search an active layer (case-sensitive); highlight the result and the pan or zoom to your selection.

    Map tips – handy if you want hide the labels but hover and get some site details

    Clear Selection – does just that

    Selection tool – allows selections by rectangle, line or polygon

    Buffer – creates cool buffers around a selection, though these cannot be saved

    Attributes – are the contents of data fields of the layer