Scenic Path Needed

Provide a scenic path fr

Provide a scenic path from East Beach to Victoria harbour

This issue was raised: 1 time/s


ELC Proposals: Provision of an uncontrolled crossing on Lamer Street linking the promenade with the Vennel (final report recommendations).

Location: East Beach to Victoria Harbour, Dunbar, UK

Wider Footpaths

Widen pavement Church St

Widen pavement Church Street (too narrow for buggies)

This issue was raised: 2 time/s

Solution: Work with John Muir Birthplace and local history group to investigate route for walk and funding for information boards.

ELC Proposals:

Location: Church Street, Dunbar, UK

Short Cut to Station

Need short cut from behi

Need short cut from behind the Church to the Railway Station

This issue was raised: 1 time/s


ELC Proposals: Widening and resurfacing of footways as part of the wider street-scaping solution to better manage the on-street parking and traffic speeds (final report recommendations).

Location: Parish Church, Dunbar, UK

Footpath Improvement

Footpaths on Spott Road

Footpaths on Spott Road need improving; dangerous for children, people with buggies and prams, etc. and pavements need improving/widening on Spott Road/ dangerous walking with pram

This issue was raised: 12 time/s


ELC Proposals:

Location: Spott Road, Dunbar, UK

Lack Of Footpaths

Need pavements Knockenha

Need pavements Knockenhair Road (route to school)

This issue was raised: 8 time/s

Solution: Work with ELC and Sustrans, improved lighting and signage could be included in future work on the NCN76.

ELC Proposals:

Location: Knockenhair Road, Dunbar, UK

Tarmaced Paths

Paths need to be tarmace

Paths need to be tarmaced at John Muir Country Park to make it less dangerous for the elderly

This issue was raised: 1 time/s

Solution: Work with Dunbar, UK Grammar School to lobby ELC for this improvement as part of a safe route to school.

ELC Proposals:

Location: John Muir Country Park, Dunbar, UK, UK