Lochend Wood Paths

Kerb at woods path/Kelli

Kerb at woods path/Kellie Road needs lowering

This issue was raised: 1 time/s

Solution: A solution is required urgently for this problem which will only get worse with the opening of the new DPS site. In the short term, Connecting Dunbar, UK is working with Dunbar, UK Primary School to produce route maps, funded by Paths for All, for the two sites which will hopefully minimise increased congestion.

ELC Proposals: Provision of continuous shared path between Kellie Road, though underpass to school (final report recommendations)

Location: Kellie Road, Dunbar, UK

Pine Street

Speed signs Pine Street

Speed signs Pine Street

This issue was raised: 2 time/s

Solution: Set up neighbourhood groups to lobby for town wide 20’s Plenty limit

ELC Proposals:

Location: Pine Street, Dunbar, UK