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Parking on Countess Cresc.

Countess Crescent/Avenue

Countess Crescent/Avenue should be no parking at school times

This issue was raised: 1 time/s

Solution: In short term, traffic orders for construction work on new community centre will include a temporary one way system around this area, and no parking. These could be made permanent.Work with ELC and DPS on safe routes to school.

ELC Proposals: Improvement of junction safety at Countess Road/Countess Crescent by closing junction to vehicle traffic and redesignating as footway status (TRO) Ð short term programme.Disabled parking only will be allowed in small car park near Laundrette

Location: Countess Crescent, Dunbar, UK | Countess Road, Dunbar, UK

Parking on Countess Cresc.

Parking on footpaths, de

Parking on footpaths, despite local car parks. Need yellow lines, especially on Countess Crescent.

This issue was raised: 3 time/s

Solution: In short term, traffic orders for construction work on new community centre will include a temporary one way system around this area, and no parking. These could be made permanent.Work with ELC and DPS on safe routes to school.

ELC Proposals: Monitor parking demand on High Street by survey and consider enhancement of existing enforcement levels (final report recommendations)

Location: Countess Crescent, Dunbar, UK | Countess Road, Dunbar, UK

Parking on High Street, Dunbar

Double parking on High S

Double parking on High Street makes it difficult to cross road

This issue was raised: 6 time/s

Solution: It may be possible to work with traders and ELC to ensure that delivery times do not coincide with peak hours.

ELC Proposals: Explore option of developing Foggo’s yard as an alternative car park for town centre use (short term programme).

Location: High Street, Dunbar, UK

Parking on High Street, Dunbar

Improve parking on High

Improve parking on High Street

This issue was raised: 5 time/s


ELC Proposals: Explore option of developing Foggo’s yard as an alternative car park for town centre use (short term programme). Monitor parking demand on High Street by survey and consider enhancement of existing enforcement levels (final report recommendations).Introduce spaces for short stay only (final report recommendations).

Location: High Street, Dunbar, UK