This project is closed and the information available for archive purposes.
Canny Households and Schools
Keep Me Warm!
Energy Audits and Advice Service: We can help with free advice on keeping your home cozy and saving energy. To get more information contact
Draught Proofing Service: All households signed up to take the Households Canny Challenge can get free drought proofing done by our technician for free while our stocks last. To book our technician to get your home draught proofed please contact:
Curtain Lining: We have a good supply of curtain lining to make your existing curtains more cozy, keep you warmer and save on energy bills. This simple and easy measure makes a big difference. Please contact to get yours.
How are you getting on?
We would like to hear how you are getting on with your household’s Canny Challenge.
Please take 2 minutes to fill out this survey.
What has changed in the area in the last 5 years?
- Energy savings and generation
- Local food
- Public transport, cycling, walking
In 2009 Sustaining Dunbar carried out a survey to gauge how easy it was for people living in the Dunbar District to: conserve energy, access local food, walk, and cycle or use public transport to get to school or work, work locally and feel connected and know more about what is going on in your area. We are now carrying out a survey to gauge if you have noticed any improvements in these areas.