
Pencaitland Parish Church Christmas Fair

The Christmas Fair Team was delighted at the support shown by the community for the Annual Christmas Fair, which this year raised funds for the Church’s Wind and Watertight Appeal.  

It was great to see so many people coming along and create the lovely atmosphere throughout the day. We also raised £1,952 in total.  A big thank you to our helpers, those who donated and baked, and those who came along to make our Fair a success.

Christmas Cards are still available from 17 Beech Terrace, 341 836.

Pencaitland Community Council
Follow Pencaitland community council on Twitter


Silent Auction raises £3,368.83

Efforts to raise the much needed target figure of £70,000 to make the local church wind and water-tight received a boost with the news that the jam-packed Silent Auction, recently held at Pencaitland Bowling Club, raised the impressive sum of £3,368.83.

Click here to find out more about how you can help raise the funds to make the village's church wind and watertight.

That figure may well rise further as some contributions were still coming in after the event.

It seems this sets the fund-raising effort well on their way towards hitting the target amount that will ensure the church can be adequately protected from the elements.

Don’t forget the further events still to come. these include the Christmas Fayre on the 26th of November in the Carriage House and a Quiz Night on the 3rd December in the Winton Arms. More details can be found here.

Pencaitland Community Council
Follow Pencaitland community council on Twitter


Church plans fundraising events to reach £70,000 target

As many villagers will know, parts of Pencaitland Parish Church are in a parlous state. In an effort to address the problems before they get any worse members of the church, along with Minister David Torrance, have launched a programme of events to help to raise £70,000 to make the building wind and watertight before the onset of winter.

Click here to find out more about how you can help raise the funds to make the village's church wind and watertight.

The great news is that, as of the 1st October 2011 the appeal has raised £47,000 towards the target.

A number of local events are planned over the coming months to boost the funds raised by the appeal. They are listed below in date order and further details, including ticket availability, will be posted on the church’s new website.

Meantime, if you want to know more about how you can help save this historically important building take a look at the appeal pamphlet [PDF].