
Courier reports on Pencaitland’s Maya delivering her letter to Public Consultation

Maya’s story was covered in this week’s East Lothian Courier. She represents one of a number of people, young and old, unable to use the existing pavement at the bridge to get from one side of Pencaitland to the other.

For more background read the story Parallel footpath proposal returns for more consultation and the many comments debating the pros and cons of the parallel footpath plan.

Disabled girl has path say
Click the image above to see a larger version.


Pencaitland Scouts set for return this November

Following two recent meetings with officials from the scouting movement and interested parents, plans are taking shape to bring back the Scouts to Pencaitland after a seven year absence.

scouts_scotland_logoPencaitland used to be well served by the scouting movement for many years, with the local troupe being one of the first in Scotland to have girls join. Unfortunately, many of the parent helpers that made it possible moved on and, without new people to carry it on, the local scout group folded around 2005.

Now, thanks to the efforts of parents keen to see it return, a small group has formed to bring it back once again.

This time it’s being headed up by David Donohoe and Alison Mells with the support of parents keen to help make its return a success. But there are few guarantees without further support from parents who would like to see all three age groups eventually revived.


Cubs-LogoCurrently the plan is to have Cubs (eight to ten and half age group) return in late November, with the Trevelyan Hall providing a base for Cub meets each Thursday, roughly once a week during term times. Cubs is the second section of the Scouting movement, originally started in 1916 for younger brothers who wanted a ‘look-in’. In nearly a century, the section has constantly evolved and adapted its programme and methods to meet the changing needs of each generation of kids.


beavers-logoThen, provided there are sufficient local helpers to work with David, Beavers (six to eight and a half age group) would begin sometime in the New Year, also using Trevelyan Hall. Beaver Scouts are the youngest section of the Scouting family. Their activities are based around making things, outdoor activities, singing, playing games, going out on visits, investigating nature, listening to stories, learning how to be safe and most importantly, making new friends.


Eventually, if there proves to be enough local interest amongst parents, grandparents and other adult volunteers, the Scouts (ten and a half to fourteen age group) could be revived. Scouts are the third section of the Scouting movement. From the first experimental camp for 20 boys in 1907 there are now over 499,000 boys and girls involved in Scouting in the UK. Adult volunteers are critical in ensuring that our local young people are able to take part in their own big adventures as they grow into their early to mid teens.

Q. Would you like to add your child to the list and/or give your details to help? Read on…


Courier reports on Pencaitland’s pavement consultation

This week’s East Lothian Courier carried the story on ELC’s plan to return to Pencaitland for further consultations with villagers this coming Tuesday.

Click to see a larger copy
Click the image above to see a larger copy.

The public showing of the parallel footpath plans is set to take place this coming Tuesday in Trevelyan Hall between 2pm and 6pm. We would urge everyone to try to make this event but if you can’t, please do the survey below which will be shared with the Council.

If you don’t see the survey question above you can click here


Community Council AGM & Ordinary Minutes for October 2012

image copyright photo extremist at Flickr for Pencaitland Community Council’s recent AGM and October meetings can now be found online.

Since moving to its new home on all recent and future Community Council minutes can now be found on the web thanks to Google Drive.

To view recent minutes just click this link. To save a copy of any minutes, view the document in your browser and select the option FILE >> DOWNLOAD.

Pencaitland Community Council Minutes 2012

Earlier minutes can be found here.


Parallel footpath proposal returns for more consultation

Villagers are to get another opportunity to express their views about Pencaitland’s narrow main-road footpath. In September, plans agreed by a range of community groups and ELC transport officials were expected to be passed by ELC Planning Committee. But Planning delayed its decision, saying it wants to ensure villagers have another chance to review the the same plans.

July 2010: Local mums highlight the dangers of the narrow main road pavement which led to the parallel footpath plan.
July 2010: Local mums highlight the dangers of the narrow main road pavement which led to the parallel footpath plan.

A letter to villagers explains that a public consultation is being offered to all interested locals in Pencaitland’s Trevelyan Hall between 2pm and 8pm on Tuesday the 30th of October. Transport officials and local councillors will be on hand to answer any questions or concerns anyone may have about the proposed parallel footpath before a final decision is taken by ELC councillors on whether to complete the partially done footpath or drop the plan with no alternative solution on offer. Can’t make it? You can still make your views known.

The plan boils down to building a wider footpath running parallel to the main road from the bridge, through church grounds and directly into the school, thus avoiding the main road pavement which is 75cm in places and too narrow for two people to pass without stepping onto the road, or to allow someone using a wheelchair or pushing many makes of baby buggy to safely get across the village on foot.


It was the footpath campaign, made up of concerned parents, dog-owners and other locals, that originally took issue with the ELC over the dangerously narrow footpath in 2008. This came to a head in February 2011 when ELC councillors and officals vetoed an earlier plan to extend the lights and widen the main road pavement.

Subsequent community talks were held at the direct request of ELC councillors. This led to the parallel footpath plan which was the end result of 18 months of discussion between members of the church, ELC transport and planning officials, ELC councillors, the Community Council and the Fatal Footpath Campaign.

Click above to view a PDF of the proposed changes

The community now has a second opportunity to review the same parallel footpath plan later this month and express a view on whether they wish to see the parallel path proceed to completion or, effectively, drop it entirely. Currently this is the only footpath plan acceptable to ELC’s transport officials.

So what’s good and bad about the parallel footpath plan which is being re-presented to members of the community on the 30th?


  • The parallel footpath provides an alternative and more direct route to and from Pencaitland Primary School.
  • It is a wider footpath which, unlike the existing pavement, can take wheelchairs and buggies.
  • It separates pedestrians from cars, buses and lorries.
  • Parking in the Carriage House car park will be improved for all users of this community facility.
  • An overflow carpark, part of the school’s existing parking, will be accessible via a footpath to church-goers, thus potentially reducing the need to park on the main road which can cause problems of its own each Sunday.
  • With a more direct and safer walking route there will be less reason to drive kids to school from Wester Pencaitland


  • This plan is more elaborate and costly than simply moving the lights and widening the footpath (though this is no longer an option open to the community after this was rejected by ELC councillors in July 2011 on the advice of transport officials).
  • Some residents of the Glebe are concerned that this plan may make parking worse in the cul de sac. (there were six objections when this plan went to planning consent).


We would encourage everyone with a view on these plans to make the time to go and see for themselves what’s being proposed and to consider what it will mean for the community as a whole. ELC officials are going to be on hand from 2pm through to 8pm to try to give everyone a chance to see, and have explained, what is being proposed.

However, if you are unable to come along on the day but want to express a view we would encourage you to leave a comment below, email us, and/or take part in our mini survey.

If you don’t see the survey question above you can click here


Parents meeting to plan re-launch of Pencaitland scouts

Following a recent meeting in Trevelyan Hall with a team from South East Scotland Scouts, a number of parents are keen to reintroduce scouting to Pencaitland.

Come along to the meeting on the 23rd October at 8pm in the Winton Arms and help bring back scouting for kids of all ages to Pencaitland.
The Trevelyan Hall meeting highlighted the fact that there are waiting lists in the surrounding towns and villages to join cubs, beavers and scout packs, most notably in nearby Tranent and Haddington. With this in mind Scott Burton, local development officer with the scouts for South East Scotland, was keen to encourage parents and other supportive adults keen to help, to try to restart scouting in Pencaitland which lapsed some seven years ago.

Taking Scott’s lead, locals Alison Mells and David Donohoe are spearheading a follow-up meeting in The Winton Arms on the 23rd of October at 8pm.

If you are keen to see cubs, beavers and scouts return to the village now is your chance to help make it happen. Please try and pop along on the 23rd and see how your help can bring back what was at one time a central part of village life.

If you can’t make it to the meeting but would like to be kept informed, please email with your name and contact details.


Tribute placed on railway walk to remember Daz Hack

We received a note from Lynn Fraser, reproduced below, about a small tribute to Daz Hack to be found on the Pencaitland railway walk.

Daz Hack Tribute on Pencaitland Railway Walk
Click to view a larger version of the photo above.
“Emma has been overwhelmed by the support and help she has received from people in the village (and who still continue to give that support) to make last Monday and Daz’s after-party a beautiful thing. It had all the touches he had requested to help us to celebrate his life.

Ken Hack, Daz’s dad, left Pencaitland bowling club early on Monday with Lisa, Daz’s sister, to take up the picture box artwork he had lovingly made and place it on the railway walk. Daz so loved it there.

It’s tied to a tree not far from the bridge, between Lempockwells Steadings heading towards West Saltoun.

Please can you post up the photo on the Pencaitland community site to let people know so they can stop and enjoy Ken’s tribute to his son.”

minutes Notices

Pencaitland Annual General Meeting 2012

The Annual General Meeting of Pencaitland Community Council takes place at 7.30pm on October 10th 2012.

This will be followed by a brief regular meeting for the appointment of office bearers.


Last year’s AGM MinutesAGM Agenda.


Community Council Minutes for May, June and August 2012

image copyright photo extremist at Flickr moving to our new home on all recent and future Community Council minutes can be found online using Google Drive.

To view recent minutes just click this link. To save a copy of any minutes, view the month in your browser and select the option FILE >> DOWNLOAD.

Pencaitland Community Council Minutes 2012

Earlier minutes can be found here.


Daz Hack’s Party – Pencaitland Bowling Club (Video)

Daz Hack, was celebrated today following a service at Melrose Crematorium. After returning to Pencaitland’s Bowling Club party-goers went onto the playing fields to release balloons to send him a message…