Pencaitland Primary held its regular Sports Day on Tuesday the 25th of June in the grounds of the school. Once again the weather delivered with clouds breaking to give the kids a very pleasant afternoon.
Forth House won overall once all the race winners from each of the four houses were tallied up. There was also a good turnout from Pencaitland’s parents who took part in the mum’s and dad’s races to wrap up a great afternoon.
Starting just after lunchtime the events included house teams competing in – welly throwing, basketball hoops, obstacle course, football, netball, egg & spoon, running and sack race.
Towards the end it was down to the kids from P7 to ask Head Teacher Mary McCall to encourage mums and dads (they didn’t require much prompting) to show their mettle in a mad dad dash, possibly more for pride rather than victory.
Congratulations, to all the kids of all four houses at Pencaitland Primary for participating, and equally, if not actually more so, for all the heart attack victims amongst the parents post their wrap up races…
If you would like an original high resolution copy of any photograph from Sports Day please email
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