We’re reporting the top results of Pencaitland PTA’s Annual Fun Run & publishing a letter from the organisers thanking all who helped make the day possible…
Despite some technical glitches the Annual PTA Fun Run was undoubtedly well organised and supported by the local community. At last Saturday’s event there were 192 participants in all — thirty-five 10k, ninteen 5K and thirty-two 3.5K runners, in addition to 106 cyclists.
10K 1st Male: 37.142 Stuart Hay No.409
10K 1st Female: 42.57 Lisa Macdonald No.401
5K 1st Male: 24.339m Steve Patterson No.1
5K 1st Female: 25.283m Megan Wright No.9
3.5K 1st: 26.012 Stuart Hemsley No.308
3.5K 2nd: 27.145 Duncan Riley No.305
3.5K 3rd: 27.577 Colin Riley No.306
10K Bike 1st: Laura Cadzow No.159
10K Bike 2nd: Andrew Cadzow No.160
10K Bike 3rd: Cole Dean No.202
“Pencaitland Primary School PTA and Pencaitland Playgroup would like to thank you for attending the Fun Run last Saturday. We were so amazed that the weather was sunny and the tracks were mostly dry! We hope you all managed to enjoy the race and eat plenty of biscuit medals. I am pleased to be able to say that we raised £450 each for the PTA and playgroup charities. We would also like to say a big thank you to Winton House Estate for providing us with a fantastic route and also to the Pencaitland olde village shop, East Coast Organics, Winton Arms, Longniddry Foot Clinic and Jo Forte Sports Shop for their overwhelming support.We have had a few successes and a few failures with the organisation this year. We were pleased with the finish line and the fantastic finish banner by ex-pupil Cole Dean. Everyone came in to one finishing point and were accounted for in order. We also managed to time everyone as they came in (an improvement on last year!). But, and here is our big regret, we are sorry to have to say that due to a technical failure we lost the race times when the application was closed.
Understandably frustrated by this, fellow PTA member Mat has done all he can to retrieve the data but has been informed that there was a problem with the program and there is nothing we can do. So, what we do have is an order of return for the 3.5K, 5K and 10K runners, the first men and women winners for the 5K and 10K are highlighted and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd for the family 3.5K. You will see that the odd time was manually recorded but sadly not everyone’s. Well done to EVERYONE who took part, we thought you did really well, especially the junior 5k runners and Iona Riley for whom we are going to have to have a “1st Junior” prize next year!
I would also like to send a Big Thank you to all the volunteers manning the registration desks, finish line, medals area and café. The café alone made a huge profit thanks to all that yummy home baking and the efficiency of the registration and finish volunteers made everything seem very relaxed this year!
Before I go, I would like to unreservedly apologise to those 10K runners and cyclists who missed the left turn off the railway track, we will make this a marshal point for next year. If you have any other feedback that might help us with next year’s organisation please feel free to email me at PPSPTA1@gmail.com, it would be greatly appreciated.
Many, many thanks. Hope you will join us again!
Charlotte Taylor
Pencaitland Primary PTA”
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