Events News

Pencaitland Litter Pick 2013 Countdown: Day 5

Each day until Sunday we’re counting down to Pencaitland’s Annual Litter Pick with an interesting trash factoid. Please come & be a part of the pick!

Each day until Sunday we’re counting down to Pencaitland’s Annual Litter Pick with an interesting trash factoid. Please come & be a part of the pick!

A stray drinks can on a riverside footpath to Winton House. Click to get details on Sunday's Litter Pick.
A stray drinks can on a riverside footpath to Winton House. Click to get details on Sunday’s Litter Pick.
A national recording programme found litter in 80% of the sites it visited. Worse still, it found cigarette butts on 70% of the streets it visited. Did you know that each one takes 12 long years to decompose?

Come to your Litter Pick

As with past years the Litter Pick action kicks off from 2pm in Pencaitland’s Trevelyan Hall. Groups or families turning up will be given litter pickers and bags before heading off to various parts of, not only Pencaitland, but hopefully some of the other areas covered by the Community Council.

Why a Litter Pick?

Scotland has a litter problem. Take a look the next time you walk outside and you’ll be hard pushed to miss it. Cigarette butts, takeaway wrappers, crisp bags, cans and cartons, newspapers, ATM slips, chewing gum. You name it, and it’s on our streets and motorways, in our parks and our lochs, up our mountains, on our beaches and on your doorstep!

Our local Council does a pretty good job keeping on top of the bulk of our rubbish but the fact is that if we want to live in an attractive village it’s down to all of us to keep it that way. We can’t always rely on someone else to come along and clean up the mess for us. If each of us picks up just one item of rubbish blowing around our streets each day, it will help keep on top of a perennial problem.

By pencaitland

Pencaitland Community Council exists to represent the views of local residents about local issues that matter to them. This involves close liaison with other groups in the community and helps to develop a more coherent and dynamic village environment.

378 replies on “Pencaitland Litter Pick 2013 Countdown: Day 5”

Great page that we hope will attract people to join the clean up effort.

Big question is what are you doing to eliminate the littering? We have inexpensive mini and micro-bins that have proved to be very successful as part of a wider strategy.

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