
New Hullabaloo music classes planned for August

Hullabaloo’s pre-school music classes are held in Pencaitland & Haddington. Now there are plans to offer more in time for the new school year.

Many mums, dads and grandparents will already be familiar with Hullabaloo – Fun With Music!. It’s a Pre-school music and movement class that’s run by a local mum, Charlotte McMillan.

Charlotte McMillan of Hullabaloo - Fun With Music!

Classes are already held in Pencaitland and Haddington, but there are plans to provide more classes this August in time for the new school year.

As Charlotte explains, “Both drop-in sessions and bookable blocks of classes are on offer, and everyone gets the chance to try it out for free, so you’ve nothing to lose. Children from as young as a few weeks can come along and it’s a great chance to meet other children and their parents. So please come and have a sing-along with me, my guitar, my instruments and my friends. It’s usually good fun and a great social thing in which to get involved.”

For more info, contact Charlotte via email on the web, Facebook or by phone on 01875 341679 or 07966 434591.

Drama club comes to Pencaitland

Hullabaloo - Fun With Music! Click to visit the website.

By pencaitland

Pencaitland Community Council exists to represent the views of local residents about local issues that matter to them. This involves close liaison with other groups in the community and helps to develop a more coherent and dynamic village environment.

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