Walking Networks

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Alderston House in decline
Alderston House in decline

From a subset of the sample data presented here, I thought it would be interesting to extract the postcodes of respondents and merge them with the favourite places dataset (using a lookup in excel) and then process the shortest distance to favourite places in the locality using these great little tools: https://www.doogal.co.uk/BatchGeocoding and https://www.doogal.co.uk/DrivingDistances created by the very talented Chris Bell.

There’s too many places and postcodes to show all the walking networks sanely on a single map so, in the first presentation I just loaded up a handful of individual kml files of shortest distance between multiple home postcodes and a favourite place. A small batch, as it happens the first 8 submitted.

That was a bit of faff, but creating a geojson from a merged kml via QGIS was not not exactly quicker either.

Pulling in the kml into QGIS splits off the start and finish placemarks, a bit inconvenient. By focusing on single postcodes maybe we can create a more useful presentation of the data.

Next I tried to add some useful info to the pop up, but by hand this is a labour of love slog.

I need to figure out how to process and display a 100 or so post codes and 400 favourite places, without it taking up the time it would take me to get through season 2 of Twin Peaks (I am a slow watcher)!

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