Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 6th November 2019

Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Cut out cops Locate in the vicinity of primary schools, especially Innerwick, Stenton and East Linton Dunbar Community Officers
West End of Brodie Road Encourage residents to report concerns to police or ELC ASB team.  Attend public tenants association meeting, conduct leaflet drop, conduct high visibility foot patrols. Dunbar Community Officers

Dunbar Community Warden

Innerwick vandalism Following reports of youths causing damage conduct weekend evening patrol of Innerwick area including Innerwick and Thurston cemeteries, play park and primary school Dunbar Community Officers

Dunbar Community Warden

Last month’s priorities:


Between 11.10 and 11.40 on 8th August at High Street, East Linton speed check conducted, 45 vehicles checked, 12 stopped and warned, highest speed 28, no tickets issued

Between 12.00 and 12.30 on 8th August a speed check was conducted on Belhaven Road.  About 80 vehicles had their speed checked, 25 were stopped and warned and 2 charged and to be reported to the Procurator fiscal due to excessive speeds of 35 and 38mph.

Between 16.30 and 17.00 on 12th August at High Street, East Linton speed check conducted.  Multiple vehicles checked, 1 ticket issued for doing 29mph and a male reported to procurator fiscal for doing 35mph.

Dangerous Parking

Since the schools have resumed I’ve attended the locus on three occasions and agree the lines of sight can be poor for residents to access Belhaven Road.  Email sent to East Lothian Council.

Anti Social Behaviour on Dunbar High Street

Patrols conducted on Friday and Saturday nights.  Problem tenant of 34 High Street moved on.  Hopefully a marked improvement in issues for local residents.


Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  Monday 23rd September 2019

Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Speeding Conduct speed checks at two locations where Jim and Jemima have been located. Dunbar Community Officers
Dangerous parking Conduct site visit to Summerfield Road once school resumes regarding a complaint regarding parking issues making it dangerous for residents to get on to Summerfield Road and negotiate the junction with Belhaven Road. Dunbar Community Officers
Anti Social Behaviour on Dunbar High Street Following a complaint from a resident who lives at the East end of the High Street conduct more proactive policing of the area to prevent noise, fighting and vandalism, particularly from youths between 21.00 and 23.00 and adults between 00.30 and 02.00 Dunbar Community Officers


Youth Issues update: Dunbar CAPP tonight

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE         Wednesday 24th July 2019

VENUE      Dunbar Police Station

TIME         19:30 HOURS


Due to a lack of corroboration have not utilised speed gun, have instead cited Jim and Jemima throughout the area and received a lot of positive feedback. 

Youth Issues

Huge reduction in youth issues during school holidays.  PSP meeting held last week.  Although situation has recently been much better all agree PSP to remain in place until well after schools resume in anticipation of increased activity.  Resource plan in place for when shows return in August.

Dangerous Parking.

Area checked but no issues observed however this was after the schools had broken up, to be checked again once school back.

High street blues: Dunbar CAPP priorities

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  Wednesday 24th July 2019

Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Speeding Conduct speed checks at two locations where Jim and Jemima have been located. Dunbar Community Officers
Youth Issues Following recent youth disorder at Bullet Hill, Winterfield Shows and Dunbar High Street issue to be targeted from various angles including education and awareness for youths and parents, and targeting of the sources of alcohol. Dunbar Community Officers

Dunbar Community Warden

Dunbar Grammar

Dangerous parking Conduct site visit to Summerfield Road regarding a complaint regarding parking issues making it dangerous for residents to get on to Summerfield Road and negotiate the junction with Belhaven Road. Dunbar Community Officers

Serious issues at Bullet Hill – CAPP Agenda FOR tonight Thursday 9th May 2019

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

WHEN? Thursday 9th May 2019 @ 19:30 HOURS

WHERE? Dunbar Police Station


Speed Gun temporarily unavailable as away for calibration, normal service will resume in near future.

Youth Issues:

Serious issues at Bullet Hill on 1st, shows on 7th, High Street on 7th and High Street on 8th.  To be discussed at meeting.

Panel agreed priorities: down Lochend Woods today

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE             Thursday 9th May 2019

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  Wednesday 12th June 2019

Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Speeding Conduct speed checks at two locations where Jim and Jemima have been located. Dunbar Community Officers
Youth Issues Large groups of youth are forming up again, particularly on Friday nights at “Jam Pot” in Lochend Woods.

Monitor them, remove alcohol and do all to keep them safe whilst minimising disruption to general public and littering and fire raising.

Dunbar Community Officers

Jim and Jemima are about – Dunbar Speed Update

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE          Thursday 9th May 2019

VENUE      Dunbar Police Station

TIME             19:30 HOURS


Queens Road and Drylaw Terrace both visited with the speed gun. Unfortunately no corroboration so no tickets issued but results were:
Drylaw Terrace; 40 cars checked, 22 within limit, 12 doing 20-25, 6 doing 25-33 so stopped and warned.
Queens Road; 40 cars checked, 20 within limit, 13 doing 20-25, 7 doing 25-36 so stopped and warned.

A1 Cement Works Junction

Discussed with roads policing colleagues and Viridor representative and am happy that Viridor are doing everything that can be expected of them in relation to actions of the drivers at the junction. Every new driver receives an induction when the computer shows it’s their first time visiting that site and the junction is suitably covered in a power point presentation.

Dog Fouling

New Dunbar Against Litter bins at West Barns, situation markedly improved

Hotspots for Fouling – Dunbar CAPP Panel agreed priorities

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE Wednesday 19th March 2019

VENUE Dunbar Police Station


DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 9th May 2019


Brodie Road Road closure

Contact made with ELC, repair conducted at junction with A1 and closure lifted sooner than planned.

Dog fouling by West Barns bowling club

Patrolled by community warden, area much improved and details provided to community warden of a male responsible for not picking up.

Ashfield Park and Lochend woods

Due to sickness this did not occur, to be revisited


Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Speeding Conduct speed checks at two locations where Jim and Jemima have been located. Dunbar Community Officers
A1 Cement Works Junction Liaise with Roads Policing colleagues and Viridor representatives regarding the safety of the junction for lorries. Dunbar Community Officers
Dog Fouling A week of action targeting known hotspots for fouling Dunbar Community Warden

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Gimme Shelter – Dunbar CAPP Panel agreed priorities

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE: Thursday 14th February  2019

VENUE: Dunbar Police Station


DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  Tuesday 19th March 2019

Pop-up Jim’s

Jim and Jemima so far deployed. Extensive social media discussion regarding their worth, many supportive, some not. Will continue their regular deployment for a few weeks then conduct campaign with speed gun.

Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Brodie Road Road closure Following a number of concerns raised at CAPP, link in with ELC regarding closure of Brodie Road and safety of junction on to A1 Dunbar Community Officers
Dog fouling by West Barns bowling club Attend location with a view to identifying owners responsible for large amount of fouling occurring on grass area by club. Community Warden
Ashfield Park and Lochend woods Attend location with a view to identifying a possible site for a youth shelter Dunbar Community Officers and Community Warden


Watchout Jemima’s about & Dunbar CAPP Panel agreed priorities

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Youth issues at Ashfield park

PSP continues.  Three meetings have been held since its formation.  Police and wardens have been attending the Ashfield Park area every weekend since the formation of the PSP.  Over 100 letters have been sent to youths whose details have been noted, there is now a marked decrease in the amount of youths in the area and the volume of related calls to the council or police from members of the public and very little litter being collected.

Continue reading Watchout Jemima’s about & Dunbar CAPP Panel agreed priorities