Gimme Shelter – Dunbar CAPP Panel agreed priorities

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE: Thursday 14th February  2019

VENUE: Dunbar Police Station


DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  Tuesday 19th March 2019

Pop-up Jim’s

Jim and Jemima so far deployed. Extensive social media discussion regarding their worth, many supportive, some not. Will continue their regular deployment for a few weeks then conduct campaign with speed gun.

Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Brodie Road Road closure Following a number of concerns raised at CAPP, link in with ELC regarding closure of Brodie Road and safety of junction on to A1 Dunbar Community Officers
Dog fouling by West Barns bowling club Attend location with a view to identifying owners responsible for large amount of fouling occurring on grass area by club. Community Warden
Ashfield Park and Lochend woods Attend location with a view to identifying a possible site for a youth shelter Dunbar Community Officers and Community Warden


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