Jim and Jemima are about – Dunbar Speed Update

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE          Thursday 9th May 2019

VENUE      Dunbar Police Station

TIME             19:30 HOURS


Queens Road and Drylaw Terrace both visited with the speed gun. Unfortunately no corroboration so no tickets issued but results were:
Drylaw Terrace; 40 cars checked, 22 within limit, 12 doing 20-25, 6 doing 25-33 so stopped and warned.
Queens Road; 40 cars checked, 20 within limit, 13 doing 20-25, 7 doing 25-36 so stopped and warned.

A1 Cement Works Junction

Discussed with roads policing colleagues and Viridor representative and am happy that Viridor are doing everything that can be expected of them in relation to actions of the drivers at the junction. Every new driver receives an induction when the computer shows it’s their first time visiting that site and the junction is suitably covered in a power point presentation.

Dog Fouling

New Dunbar Against Litter bins at West Barns, situation markedly improved

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